The following Index is arranged according to subjects on the plan of the Index du Repertoire Bibliographique (published by MM. Gauthier-Villars, pp. 93, 2nd edition, 1898; about 2/-).
It is not possible to give in full the subjects under the thousand or so sub-divisions which appear in the Index; but for the sake of those who do not possess the Index we give the subjects under the principal letters. This will amply suffice for the majority of our readers.
A. | Algebra; Theory of Equations. |
B. | Determinants; Linear substitutions; Elimination; Invariants and Covariants; Complex Quantities. |
C. | Differential and Integral Calculus. |
D. | Theory of Functions; Algebra of Continued Fractions. |
E. | Definite Integrals. . . . |
F. | Elliptic Functions. . . . |
G. | Hyperelliptic Functions. . . . |
H. | Differential Equations . . . Finite Differences, Recurrent Series. |
I. | Arithmetic. Theory of Numbers. |
J. | Permutations and Combinations ; Probabilities ; Calculus of Variations. . . . |
K. | Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry; Geometry of point, line, plane, circle, and sphere ; Perspective ; Descriptive Geometry. |
L1. | Conics. |
L2. | Quadrics. |
M1. | Algebraical Plane Curves. |
M2. | Algebraical Surfaces. |
M3. | Algebraical Space Curves. |
N. | Complexes and Congruences; Connexes; Systems of curves and surfaces; Enumerative Geometry. |
O. | Infinitesimal and Kinematic Geometry. |
P. | Transformations; Homography; Homology; Polar Reciprocals. |
Q. | Geometry of dimensions ; non Euclidean. . . . |
R. | Kinematics; Statics; Dynamics. |
S. | Hydrostatics. |
T. | Mathematical Physics. |
U. | Astronomy. |
V. | Philosophy and History of Mathematics. Biography. |
X. | Graphic Calculation. |
CONTENTS OF Nos. 1-6 (QUARTO) 1894-95.
(v. foot-note p. iii)
No. 1 | April 1894 | pp. 1-8 | No. 4 | February 1895 | pp. 25-36 | |
No. 2 | July 1894 | pp. 9-16 | No. 5 | May 1895 | pp. 37-48 | |
No. 3 | December 1894 | pp. 17-24 | No. 6 | October 1895 | pp. 49-60 |
A.1.a. | Proof of Horner's Methtod. | Morgan Jenkins. | 55 |
A.2.b. | Graphic Solution of Quadratics. | Langley. | 32 |
A.3.c. | Proof of method for G.C.M. | Lodge. | 32 |
A.3.c. | Pairs of Imaginary Roots. | Heawood. | 32 |
D.6.b.g. | Trigonometrical Identities. | Langley. | 57 |
D.6.d. | Hyperbolic Functions. | Gallatly. | 40 |
I.1. | Approximations and Reductions. | Lodge. | 4, 21 |
J.1.a.a. | Divisions into Classes. | Harding. | 59 |
J.1.b.a. | Homogeneous Products. | Harding. | 59 |
K.1.a. | Extension of Euclid VI. 3. | Genese. | 20 |
K.5.a. | On the Circle of Apollonius. | Langley. | 41 |
K.13.a. | On Euclid XI. 4. | Mackay. | 21 |
K.13.a. | On Euclid XI. 4. | Gallatly. | 33 |
K.14.d. | Simpson's Rule. | Lodge. | 58 |
K.20.d. | Proof of ![]() | Hooker. | 58 |
K.20.f. | Fundamental Equations in Spherical Trigonometry. | Heppel. | 20 |
L1.1.a. | On the Eccentric Circle of Boscovitch. | Langley. | 1, 17 |
L1.2.a. | Harmonic Polar of a Conic. | Milne. | 31 |
L1.3.b. | Construction for axis of ellipse, given two conjugate diameters. | Genese. | 31 |
L1.4.a. | A second chapter on Conics. | Rouse. | 12 |
L1.4.b. | The Director Circle of an In-conic of a Triangle. | Rouse. | 28 |
L1.17.e. | On ![]() ![]() | Milne. | 21 |
O.2.d. | The C.G. of a circular arc. | Bryan. | 33 |
P.1.a. | On a Theorem connected with Homography. | Genese. | 20 |
R.1. | The A.I.G.T. Syllabus of Dynamics. | Lodge. | 12 |
R.1. | On the Solution of 7 p. 13. | Heawood. | 12 |
R.2.b.a. | C.G. of Circular Arc. | Bryan. | 33 |
R.2.b.b. | C. G. of Trapezoid. | Langley. | 21 |
R.2.b.b. | C. G. of Trapezoid. | Quint. | 33 |
R.8.a. | The Compound Pendulum. | Lodge. | 30 |
V.1.a. | Suggestions in Terminology. | Muirhead. | 57 |
V.1.a. | Algebra in Schools. | Heppel. | 25 |
V.1.a. | Mathematics for Astronomy and Navigation. | Wilson. | 27 |
V.3.a. | Greek Geometers before Euclid. | Mackay. | 3, 19, 56 |
V.3.b. | The Conics of Apollonius. | Milne. | 49 |
V.6. | Mathematical Worthies--Ed. Wright. | Heppel. | 11 |
V.6. | Mathematical Worthies--John Dee. | Heppel. | 40 |
V.8. | Old Text Books--Ward's Guide. | Hooker. | 29 |
V.9. | Herbart's View of the Place of Mathematics. | Greenstreet. | 9 |
V.9. | Cajori's History of Mathematics. | Halsted. | 19 |
V.9. | The Syllabus of Geometrical Conics. | Taylor. | 37 |
SOLUTIONS, Nos. 1-6.
NO. | TYPE. | PAGE. | NO. | TYPE. | PAGE. | |
1 | K.10.a. | 41 | 10 | P.3.b. | 42 | |
2 | K.1.c. | 41 | 11 | K.1.c. | 42 | |
3 | K.10.e. | 41 | 12 | L1.7.d. ; K.23.a. | 42 | |
4 | L1.3.c. | 42 | 13 | K.1.c. | 42 | |
5 | I.1. | 42 | 14 | K.1.c. | 43 | |
6 | I.1; K.9.b. | 42 | 15 | K.1.c. | 43 | |
7 | I.13.b. ; L1.10.a. ; b. | 42 | 16 | K.20.d. | 43 | |
8 | I.23.a. | 42 | 17 | K.20.d. | 43 | |
9 | L1.4.a. | 42 |