Stephen Abbott | Understanding analysis | 0 387 95060 5 | Springer Verlag | Steve Abbott | 391 | July 2003 |
Edwin A. Abbott | Flatland | 0 691 12366 7 | Princeton University Press | Nick Lord | 382 | July 2007 |
M. J. Ablowitz and A. S. Fokas | Complex variables: introduction and applications (2nd edn) | 0 521 53429 1 | CUP | Nick Lord | 365 | July 2004 |
David Acheson | 1089 and all that: a journey into mathematics | 0 19 851623 1 | OUP | Bud Winteridge | 379 | July 2003 |
John A. Adam | Mathematics in nature. Modelling patterns in the natural world | 0 691 11429 3 | Princeton University Press | Anthony C. Robin | 347 | July 2005 |
William J. Adams | Think first, apply math, think further - food for thought | 1 4134 5433 1 | Xilibris | Dennis Morris | 171 | March 2007 |
Jill Adler | Teaching mathematics in multilingual classrooms | 0 7923 7079 1 | Kluwer | Tom Roper | 538 | November 2002 |
R. P. Agarwal, M. Meehan, D. O'Regan | Non-linear integral equations and inclusions | 1 59033 094 3 | Nova Science | Nick Lord | 394 | July 2003 |
Shafi U. Ahmed | Fermat's Last Theorem: new simple proof | 0 948331 10 0 | Oaktown Publications | Steve Abbott | 189 | March 2002 |
Martin Aigner and Günter M. Ziegler | Proofs from THE BOOK | 3 540 63698 6 | Springer-Verlag | Kiril Bankov | 161 | March 2001 |
Martin Aigner and Gunter M. Ziegler | Proofs from THE BOOK (2nd edn) | 3 540 67865 4 | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 188 | March 2002 |
Martin Aigner and Günter M. Ziegler | Proofs from THE BOOK (3rd edn.) | 3 540 40460 0 | Springer | Gerry Leversha | 139 | March 2005 |
Saban Alaca and Kenneth S. Williams | Introductory algebraic number theory | 0 521 540119 | Cambridge University Press | John Baylis | 145 | March 2005 |
Joan M. Aldous and Robin J. Wilson | Graphs and applications, an introductory approach | 1 85233 259 X | Springer-Verlag | Ian Anderson | 176 | March 2001 |
Gerald Alexanderson | The random walks of George Pólya | 0 883 85528 3 | MAA | Steve Abbott | 535 | November 2001 |
A. D. Alexandrov | Convex polyhedra | 3 540 23158 7 | Springer | P. N. Ruane | 557 | November 2006 |
Ray Allan and Martin Williams | Mathswise, Book 1 | 0 19 914774 4 | OUP | Tina Webber | 342 | July 2001 |
Barbara Allen and Sue Johnston-Wilder (eds.) | Mathematics education: Exploring the culture of learning | 0 415 32700 8 | Routledge Falmer | Doug French | 127 | March 2005 |
E. S. Allman & J. A. Rhodes | Mathematical models in biology: an introduction | 0 521 81980 6 | Cambridge University Press | Nick Lord | 173 | March 2005 |
Daniel Alpay | The Schur algorithm, reproducing kernel spaces and system theory | 0 8218 2155 5 | AMS | Steve Abbott | 573 | November 2002 |
Ian Anderson | A first course in discrete mathematics | 1 85233 236 0 | Springer | Robert T. Curtis | 559 | November 2001 |
Marlow Anderson, Victor Katz and Robin Wilson (eds.) | Sherlock Holmes in Babylon | 0 88385 546 1 | Mathematical Association of America | Gerry Leversha | 141 | March 2005 |
Titu Andreescu and Rãsvan Gelca | Mathematical Olympiad challenges | 0 8176 4155 6 | Birkhäuser | Bill Richardson | 356 | July 2002 |
Titu Andreescu and Zuming Feng | 102 combinatorial problems: from the training of the USA IMO team | 0 8176 4317 6 | Birkhäuser | S. C. Russen | 382 | July 2004 |
Titu Andreescu and Razvan Gelca | Mathematical Olympiad Challenges | 3 8176 4155 6 | Birkhäuser Verlag | Michael De Villiers | 397 | July 2004 |
Titu Andreescu and Rãzvan Gelca | Mathematical Olympiad challenges (3rd printing) | 0 8176 4155 6 | Birkhäuser | John Baylis | 398 | July 2004 |
George E. Andrews and Kimmo Eriksson | Integer partitions | 0 521 60090 1 | Cambridge University Press | John Baylis | 564 | November 2005 |
H. M. Antia | Numerical methods for scientists and engineers (2nd edn) | 3 7643 6715 5 | Birkhauser-Verlag | P. MacGregor | 404 | July 2004 |
Jörg Arndt and Christoph Haenel | Pi-unleashed | 3 540 66572 2 | Springer-Verlag | Peter Giblin | 544 | November 2001 |
Benno Artmann | Euclid: The creation of mathematics | 0 387 98423 2 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 165 | March 2001 |
Michael Aschbacher | Finite group theory (2nd edn) | 0 521 78675 4 | CUP | Brian Denton | 546 | November 2001 |
Marcia Ascher | Mathematics elsewhere: an exploration of ideas across cultures | 0 691 07020 2 | Princeton University Press | Gerry Leversha | 600 | November 2003 |
Stephen Ashcroft and Chris Pereira | Practical statistics for the biological sciences: simple pathways to statistical analysis | 0 333 96044 0 | Palgrave Macmillan | S. C. Russen | 385 | July 2004 |
G. Assayag, H. G. Feichtinger, J. F. Rodrigues (eds) | Mathematics and music:a Diderot mathematical forum | 3 540 43727 4 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 339 | July 2004 |
Tomaso Aste and Denis Weaire | The pursuit of perfect packing | 0 7503 0648 3 | Institute of Physics | Michael Fox | 370 | July 2001 |
Michael Atiyah | Collected works: volume six | 0 19 853099 4 | Oxford University Press | Gerry Leversha | 371 | July 2006 |
ATM | For the classroom | 1 898611 13 0 | ATM | Frank Davis | 532 | November 2002 |
ATM | ATM is 50 | ATM | A. Robert Pargeter | 169 | March 2004 | |
Greg Attwood and Gill Dyer | Heinemann Modular Mathematics for Edexcel AS and A-level, Statistics I | 0 435 51082 7 | Heinemann | Sarah Cotter | 152 | March 2001 |
Greg Attwood, Gill Dyer and Gordon Skipworth | Heinemann modular mathematics for Edexcel AS and A-Level. Statistics 4 | 0 435 51085 1 | Heinemann | David Crawford, Neil Murray | 351 | July 2002 |
Greg Attwood, Gill Dyer and Gordon Skipworth | Heinemann modular mathematics for Edexcel AS and A-Level. Statistics 5 | 0 435 51086 X | Heinemann | David Crawford, Neil Murray | 351 | July 2002 |
Greg Attwood, Gill Dyer and Gordon Skipworth | Revise for statistics 2 | 0 435 51117 3 | Heinemann | David Crawford | 352 | July 2002 |
Greg Attwood, Gill Dyer and Gordon Skipworth | Revise for statistics 3 | 0 435 51118 1 | Heinemann | David Crawford | 352 | July 2002 |
Greg Attwood, Gill Dyer and Gordon Skipworth | Statistics 6 | 0 435 51087 8 | Heinemann | H. Mason | 357 | July 2003 |
G. Attwood, A. Macpherson et al | Core mathematics 1 | 0 435 51097 5 | Heinemann | Jennie Golding | 551 | November 2005 |
G. Attwood, A. Macpherson et al | Core mathematics 2 | 0 435 51098 3 | Heinemann | Jennie Golding | 551 | November 2005 |
G. Attwood, A. Macpherson et al | Core mathematics 3 | 0 435 51099 1 | Heinemann | Jennie Golding | 551 | November 2005 |
G. Attwood, A. Macpherson et al | Core mathematics 4 | 0 435 51100 9 | Heinemann | Jennie Golding | 551 | November 2005 |
Greg Attwood, Alistair Macpherson, Bronwen Moran, Joe Petran, Keith Pledger, Geoff Staley, Dave Wilkins | Revise for Core Mathematics, 1 for Edexcel | 0 435 51122 X | Heinemann | Gerry Leversha | 542 | November 2006 |
Greg Attwood, Alistair Macpherson, Bronwen Moran, Joe Petran, Keith Pledger, Geoff Staley, Dave Wilkins | Revise for Core Mathematics, 2 for Edexcel | 0 435 51123 8 | Heinemann | Gerry Leversha | 542 | November 2006 |
Greg Attwood, Alistair Macpherson, Bronwen Moran, Joe Petran, Keith Pledger, Geoff Staley, Dave Wilkins | Revise for Core Mathematics, 3 for Edexcel | 0 435 51125 4 | Heinemann | Gerry Leversha | 542 | November 2006 |
Greg Attwood, Alistair Macpherson, Bronwen Moran, Joe Petran, Keith Pledger, Geoff Staley, Dave Wilkins | Revise for Core Mathematics, 4 for Edexcel | 0 435 51124 6 | Heinemann | Gerry Leversha | 542 | November 2006 |
Jean-Pierre Aubin, | Applied functional analysis (2nd edn) | 0 471 17976 0 | Wiley Interscience | Adam McBride | 181 | March 2001 |
Michèle Audin | Geometry | 3 540 43498 4 | Springer | Gerry Leversha | 161 | March 2005 |
G Bachman, L Narici and E Beckenstein | Fourier and wavelet analysis | 0 387 98899 8 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 179 | March 2001 |
Ayman Badawi (ed.) | Abstract algebra manual | 3 540 05923 7 | Springer | Gerry Leversha | 152 | March 2005 |
Patricia Baggett and Andrzej Ehrenfeucht | Breaking away from the algebra & geometry book | 0 8108 4048 0 | Scarecrow Press Inc. | David Whetton | 179 | March 2003 |
Sander Bais | The equations: icons of knowledge | 0674019679 | Harvard University Press | Ken Zetie | 379 | July 2007 |
Keith Ball | Strange curves, counting rabbits and other mathematical explorations | 0 691 11321 1 | Princeton University Press | A. Robert Pargeter | 188 | March 2005 |
John Banks, Valentina Dragan and Arthur Jones | Chaos: a mathematical introduction | 0 521 53104 7 | CUP | Hugh Williams | 396 | July 2004 |
J. Banks, V. Dragan and A. Jones | Chaos: a mathematical introduction | 0 521 531047 | CUP | Peter MacGregor | 394 | July 2004 |
R. B. Bapat | Linear algebra and linear models (2nd edn) | 0 387 98871 8 | Springer-Verlag | Pamela Morris | 168 | March 2001 |
Edward J. Barbeau | Mathematical fallacies, flaws and flimflams | 0 88385 529 1 | MAA | Steve Abbott | 157 | March 2001 |
Edward J. Barbeau | Pell's equation | 0 387 95529 1 | Springer | Michael Ward | 353 | July 2004 |
Tony Barnard | Hurdles and strategies in the teaching of algebra | 0 906588 54 5 | The Mathematical Association | Gerry Leversha | 169 | March 2006 |
O. E. Barndor-Nielsen and K-I. Sato, (eds.) | Kyosi Itô: Stochastic processes: Lectures given at Aarhus University | 3 540 20482 2 | Springer-Verlag | David Applebaum | 167 | March 2005 |
Patrick Barry | Geometry with trigonometry | 1 898563 69 1 | Horwood | Tony Crilly | 363 | July 2001 |
Jody Bart (ed.) | Women succeeding in the sciences: theories and practices across disciplines | 1 55753 122 6 | Purdue University Press, | Steve Abbott | 188 | March 2002 |
Albert A. Bartlett | The essential exponential | 0 9758973 0 6 | University of Nebraska | Gerry Leversha | 136 | March 2005 |
Isabella Bashmakova and Galina Smirnova | The beginnings and evolution of algebra | 0 88385 329 9 | MAA | Steve Abbott | 554 | November 2002 |
D. Basmadjian | The art of modelling in science and engineering | 1 58488 012 0 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | Bill Cox | 565 | November 2001 |
John Bather | Decision theory: an introduction to dynamic programming and sequential decisions | 0471 97649 0 | Wiley | Bud Winteridge | 568 | November 2002 |
Steve Batterson | Stephen Smale: the mathematician who broke the dimension barrier | 0 8218 2045 1 | AMS | Steve Abbott | 352 | July 2001 |
Cameron Bauer | Algebra for athletes | 1 56072 528 1 | Nova Science | Steve Abbott | 149 | March 2001 |
P. R. Baxendall, W. S. Brown, G. St C. Rose and F. R. Watson (eds) | Proof in mathematics ('If', 'then' and 'perhaps') | Keele Math. Ed. | Doug French | 398 | July 2004 | |
Nancy Baxter-Hastings | Workshop pre-calculus: discovery with graphing calculators | 1 930 19011 5 | Springer | Graham H. Storr | 333 | July 2004 |
Anatole Beck, Michael N. Bleicher and Donald W. Crowe | Excursions into mathematics | 1 56881 115 2 | A. K. Peters | Tony Crilly | 169 | March 2002 |
Tim Bedford and Roger Cooke | Probabilistic risk analysis: Foundations and methods | 0 521 77320 2 | CUP | D. V. Lindley | 377 | July 2002 |
Tony and Mary Ellen Bell | Maths now! (Get the point! Green orbit) pupils book 6 | 0 7195 7358 0 | John Murray | Frank Davis | 369 | July 2003 |
D. Benjamin (et al) | Impact maths 3 red | 0435 018337 | Heinemann | H. Mason | 361 | July 2003 |
Donald C. Benson | The moment of proof: mathematical epiphanies | 0 19 513919 4 | OUP | Steve Abbott | 184 | March 2003 |
Fred Espen Benth | Option theory with stochastic analysis - An introduction to mathematical finance | 3 540 40502 X | Springer-Verlag | David Applebaum | 177 | March 2006 |
Marcel Berger | A panoramic view of Riemannian geometry | 3 540 65317 1 | Springer-Verlag | Peter Giblin | 162 | March 2005 |
J. Lennart Berggren and Alexander Jones | Ptolemy's Geography: an annotated translation of the theoretical chapters | 0 691 01042 0 | Princeton University Press | Tony Crilly | 174 | March 2002 |
J. L. Berggren | Episodes in the mathematics of medieval Islam | 0 387 40605 0 | Springer | D. Stander | 337 | July 2005 |
Lennart Berggren, Jonathan Borwein and Peter Borwein | Pi: A source book (3rd edn.), | 0 387 20571 3 | Springer-Verlag | Anthony C. Robin | 375 | July 2006 |
Vasile Berinde | Exploring, investigating and discovering in mathematics | 3 7643 7019 X | Birkhauser | Sudan Hansraj | 575 | November 2005 |
Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John H. Conway and Richard K. Guy | Winning ways for your mathematical plays, Volume 2 (2nd edn) | 1 56881 142 X | A. K. Peters | Nick Lord | 414 | July 2004 |
E. R. Berlekamp, J. H. Conway and R. K. Guy | Winning ways for your mathematical plays, Volume 3 (2nd edn) | 1 56881 143 8 | A. K. Peters | Nick Lord | 176 | March 2005 |
E. R. Berlekamp, J. H. Conway and R. K. Guy | Winning ways for your mathematical plays, Volume 4 (2nd edn) | 1 56881 144 6 | A. K. Peters | Nick Lord | 177 | March 2005 |
William P. Berlinghoff and Fernando Q. Gouvêa | Maths through the ages: a gentle history for teachers and others | 1 881929 21 3 | Oxton | Bud Winteridge | 338 | July 2004 |
José M. Bernardo and Adrian F. M. Smith | Bayesian theory | 0 471 49464 X | Wiley | D. V. Lindley | 381 | July 2001 |
A. J. Berrick and M. E. Keating | An introduction to rings and modules: with K-theory in view | 0 521 632749 | CUP | S. C. Coutinho | 183 | March 2001 |
C Berry, P Bryden, D Cowey, D Faulkner, et al | Hodder Mathematics: GCSE in a year | 0 340 70550 7 | Hodder & Stoughton | Elizabeth McClure | 147 | March 2001 |
Catherine Berry, Val Hanrahan, Roger Porkess and Peter Seeker | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: A2 Pure Mathematics C3/C4 | 0 340 88851 2 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
Catherine Berry, Terry Heard and David Martin | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: AS Further Pure Mathematics FP1 | 0 340 81460 8 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
John Berry, Ted Graham, Jenny Sharp and Elizabeth Berry | The complete A-Z mathematics handbook (2nd edn) | 0 340 78030 4 | Hodder & Stoughton | Bud Winteridge | 356 | July 2002 |
John Berry, Ted Graham, Jenny Sharp, Elizabeth Berry | Complete A-Z mathematics handbook | 0 340 87277 2 | Hodder & Stoughton | Gerry Leversha | 336 | July 2004 |
John Berry, Ted Graham, Roger Porkess and Peter Mitchell | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: Differential Equations | 0 340 90527 1 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
Cristoforo Sergio Bertuglia and Franco Vaio | Nonlinearity, chaos and complexity: The dynamics of natural and social systems | 9780198567905 | Oxford University Press | P. N. Ruane | 181 | March 2007 |
Robin Bevan (ed.). | Leadership to count on (A guide for heads of mathematics) | 0 90658857 X | The Mathematical Association | Jennie Golding | 537 | November 2006 |
Jörg Bewersdorff (David Kramer (trans.)) | Luck, logic and white lies - the mathematics of games | 1 56881 210 8 | A. K. Peters | John Baylis | 565 | November 2006 |
Norman L. Biggs | Discrete mathematics | 0 19 850717 8 | OUP | Gerry Leversha | 377 | July 2004 |
J. Billingham and A. C. King | Wave motion | 0 521 63257 9 | CUP | Mark J. Cooker | 188 | March 2003 |
D.A. Bini, E. Tyrtyshnikov and P. Yalamov (eds) | Structured matrices: recent developments in theory and computation | 1 56072 890 6 | Nova Science | Philip Maher | 601 | November 2004 |
Ken Binmore and Joan Davies | Calculus: concepts and methods | 0 521 77541 8 | CUP | Chris Good | 360 | July 2004 |
J. M. Blackledge and M. J. Turner (eds.) | Image processing III | 1 898563 72 1 | Horwood | Tony Crilly | 410 | July 2003 |
Jonathan M. Blackledge | Digital signal processing | 1 898563 48 9 | Horwood | Tony Crilly | 175 | March 2005 |
Wallace R. Blischke and D. N. Prabhakar Murthy | Reliability: modeling, prediction and optimization | 0 471 18450 0 | Wiley | D. V. Lindley | 570 | November 2001 |
Ethan D. Bloch | Proofs and fundamentals: a first course in abstract mathematics | 3 8176 4111 4 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 156 | March 2001 |
A. M. Blokhin, A. D. Birkin and V. R. Zimmerman | Mathematical simulation in gas dynamics | 1 59033 110 9 | Nova Science | Gerry Leversha | 414 | July 2003 |
James F. Blowey, Alan W. Craig and Tony Shardlow | Frontiers in numerical analysis | 3 540 44319 3 | Springer-Verlag | S. C. Russen | 183 | March 2006 |
T. S. Blyth and E. F. Robertson | Basic linear algebra | 1 85233 662 5 | Springer Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 390 | July 2003 |
Sam Boardman, Tony Clough and David Evans | Advancing maths for AQA: Pure maths 4 | 0 435 51303 6 | Heinemann | Martin Griffiths | 359 | July 2003 |
Sam Boardman, Tony Clough and David Evans | Advancing maths for AQA: Pure maths 4 | 0 435 51303 6 | Heinemann | Richard Bridges | 597 | November 2003 |
V.G. Boltyanskii and V. A. Efremovich | Intuitive combinatorial topology | 0 387 95114 8 | Springer | Nick Lord | 393 | July 2003 |
Alan Bonadino | LiveMath computer algebra system v3.01 | CD-ROM | Chartwell-Yorke | Richard Bridges | 539 | November 2002 |
J.F. Bonnans, J.C. Gilbert, C. Lemaréchal, C. A. Sagastizábal | Numerical optimization | 3 540 001910 3 | Springer | David Griffel | 412 | July 2004 |
Bernhelm Boob-Bavnbek & Jens Høyrup, (eds.) | Mathematics and war | 3 7643 1634 9 | Birkhäuser Verlag | Michael de Villiers | 368 | July 2006 |
Richard Bornat | Proof and disproof in formal logic: an introduction for programmers | 0 19 8530277 | Oxford University Press | Clive Kilmister | 381 | July 2007 |
Jonathan M. Borwein and David H. Bailey | Mathematics by experiment. Plausible reasoning in the 21st Century | 1 56881 211 6 | A. K. Peters | Graham Hoare | 143 | March 2005 |
Nicolas Bourbaki | Elements of mathematics. Functions of a real variable elementary theory | 3 540 65340 6 | Springer | Patrick Quill | 148 | March 2005 |
Nicolas Bourbaki | Integration I (Chapters 1-6) | 0 540 41129 1 | Springer-Verlag | René L. Schilling | 565 | November 2005 |
Nicolas Bourbaki | Integration II (Chapters 7-9) | 0 540 20585 3 | Springer-Verlag | René L. Schilling | 565 | November 2005 |
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, François Tisseyre and Claire Weingarten | The new shepherd's lamp | 3 540 92637 2 | Springer VideoMATH | Michael Fox | 170 | March 2002 |
Christopher Bradley | Challenges in geometry, for mathematical Olympians past and present | 0 19 856692 1 | Oxford University Press | Gerry Leversha | 556 | November 2006 |
Deryn Brand | Two number jigsaws - order of operations | ATM | Graham H. Storr | 598 | November 2003 | |
Sue Bright, Dan Birkett and Keith Pledger | Edexcel entry level certificate in mathematics | 0 435 53299 5 | Heinemann | Graham H. Storr | 357 | July 2003 |
N. F. Britton | Essential mathematical biology | 1 85233 536 X | Springer | Nick Lord | 173 | March 2005 |
Manuel Bronstein | Symbolic computation I: transcendental functions (2nd edn) | 3 540 21493 3 | Springer | S. C. Coutinho | 562 | November 2006 |
Tony Brown | Mathematical education and language: interpreting hermeneutics and post-structuralism (2nd edn) | 1 4020 0013 8 | Kluwer | S. C. Russen | 170 | March 2004 |
Victor Bryant | Advancing Maths for AQA - Discrete Maths 1 | 0 435 51318 4 | Heinemann | David Crawford | 347 | July 2001 |
Victor Bryant | Advancing Maths for AQA Discrete Maths 2 | 0 435 51319 2 | Heinemann | Kiril Bankov | 350 | July 2002 |
Pat Bryden | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: Mechanics 1 | 0 340 81400 4 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
Pat Bryden, John Berry, Ted Graham and Roger Porkess | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: Mechanics 3 | 0 340 88997 7 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
Pat Bryden and Cliff Pavelin | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: Mechanics 4 | 0 340 88998 5 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
Johannes A. Buchmann | Introduction to cryptography | 0 387 95034 6 | Springer-Verlag | David Bootyman | 560 | November 2002 |
Johannes A. Buchman | Introduction to cryptography | 0 387 20756 2 | Springer | S. C. Coutinho | 178 | March 2006 |
C. J. Budd and C. J. Sangwin | Mathematics galore | 0 19 850770 4 | OUP | Philip Jaynes | 535 | November 2002 |
C. J. Budd and C. J. Sangwin | Mathematics galore! | 0 19 850770 4 | Oxford University Press | Gerry Leversha | 366 | July 2006 |
M. D. Buhmann, A. Iserles (eds.) | Approximation theory and optimisation: tributes to M. J. D. | 0 521 58190 7 | CUP | Tony Crilly | 182 | March 2001 |
Edward B. Burger and Michael Starbird | The heart of mathematics: an invitation to effective thinking | 1 55953 407 9 | Key College Publishing | Steve Abbott | 364 | July 2003 |
John P. Burgess | Fixing Frege | 0 691 12231 8 | Princeton University Press | Michael Ward | 183 | March 2007 |
R. P. Burn | Numbers and functions: steps into analysis | 0 521 78836 6 | CUP | Chris Good | 547 | November 2001 |
Richard F. Burton | Physiology by numbers: an encouragement to quantitative thinking (2nd edn) | 0 521 77703 8 | CUP | Steve Abbott | 532 | November 2001 |
Samuel R. Buss | 3-D computer graphics: a mathematical introduction with OpenGL | 0 521 82103 7 | CUP | Alan Sutcliffe | 408 | July 2004 |
J. Caldwell and Y. M. Ram | Mathematical modelling: concepts and case studies | 0 7923 5820 1 | Kluwer | Bill Cox | 565 | November 2001 |
Jane Campbell (ed.) | Mathematical activities from special classrooms | 1 898611 16 5 | ATM | Graham H. Storr | 600 | November 2003 |
R. S. Cantrell and C. Cosner | Spatial ecology via reaction-diffusion equations | 0 471 49301 5 | Wiley | Bill Cox | 172 | March 2005 |
M. Capinski and E. Kopp | Measure, integral and probability (2nd edn) | 1 85233 781 8 | Springer-Verlag | Jennie Golding | 374 | July 2006 |
Marek Capiñski and Thomas Zastawniak | Probability through problems | 0 387 95063 X | Springer-Verlag | David Applebaum | 185 | March 2002 |
M. Capiñski, T. Zastawniak | Mathematics for finance, an introduction to financial engineering | 1 85233 330 8 | Springer-Verlag | David Applebaum | 389 | July 2004 |
Bradley P. Carlin and Thomas A. Louis | Bayes and empirical Bayes methods for data analysis (2nd edn) | 1 58488 170 4 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | D. V. Lindley | 381 | July 2001 |
N. L. Carothers | Real analysis | 0 521 49756 6 | CUP | Nick Lord | 179 | March 2002 |
Bettye Anne Case and Anne M. Leggett (eds) | Complexities: Women in Mathematics | 0 691 11462 5 | Princeton University Press | A. E. L. Davis | 548 | November 2006 |
Bill Casselman | Mathematical illustrations, a manual of geometry and PostScript | 0 521 54788 1 | Cambridge University Press | David Bootyman | 567 | November 2006 |
John L. Casti | Five more golden rules: knots, codes, chaos and other great theories of 20th century mathematics |
0 471 32233 4 | Wiley | Tony Gardiner | 159 | March 2001 |
Catherine Cavagnaro and William T. Haight, II (eds.) | Dictionary of classical and theoretical mathematics | 1 58488 050 3 | CRC Press | Steve Abbott | 367 | July 2003 |
Antoine Chambert-Loir | A field guide to algebra | 0 387 21428 3 | Springer-Verlag | P. Shiu | 553 | November 2006 |
C. J. Chapman | High speed flow | 0 521 66647 3 | CUP | D. H. Peregrine | 569 | November 2001 |
Srishti D. Chatterji and Heinrich Wefelscheid (eds) | Selected papers: G. C. Young, W. H. Young | 2 88074 445 8 | Presses Polytechniques | Steve Abbott | 185 | March 2001 |
Ward Cheney | Analysis for applied mathematics | 0 387 95279 9 | Springer | Nick Lord | 394 | July 2003 |
Sui Sun Cheng | Partial difference equations | 0 415 29884 9 | Taylor and Francis | S. C. Russen | 371 | July 2004 |
M. Chisholm | Such silver currents | 0 7188 3017 2 | Lutterworth Press | Tony Crilly | 371 | July 2003 |
Yeol Je Cho (ed). | Differential equations and applications | 1 56072 767 5 | Nova Science | Steve Abbott | 187 | March 2001 |
Yeol Je Cho (ed). | Fixed point theory and applications | 1 56072 766 7 | Nova Science | Steve Abbott | 187 | March 2001 |
Fan Chung and Ron Graham | Erdös on graphs: his legacy of unsolved problems | 1 56881 111 X | A. K. Peters | Tony Crilly | 375 | July 2001 |
K. L. Chung and F. AitSahlia | Elementary probability theory - with stochastic processes and an introduction to mathematical finance (4th edn) |
0 387 95578 X | Springer-Verlag | David Applebaum | 387 | July 2004 |
Robert Churchhouse | Codes and ciphers: Julius Caesar, the Enigma, and the Internet | 0 521 00890 5 | CUP | Graham Hoare | 558 | November 2002 |
B. Cipra, E. D. Demaine, M. L. Demaine, T. Rodgers (eds) | Tribute to a mathemagician | 1 56881 204 3 | A. K. Peters | Ron Knott | 545 | November 2006 |
Christopher Clapham and James Nicholson (eds) | The concise Oxford dictionary of mathematics | 0 19 860742 3 | Oxford University Press | Gerry Leversha | 537 | November 2006 |
Calvin C. Clawson | Mathematical sorcery: revealing the secrets of numbers | 0 7382 0496 X | Perseus Publishing | Gerry Leversha | 543 | November 2002 |
CMI | The CMI millennium meeting collection | 3 540 92658 5 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 373 | July 2003 |
Joel S. Cohen | Computer algebra and symbolic computation: Mathematical methods | 1 56881 159 4 | A. K. Peters | S. C. Coutinho | 411 | July 2004 |
Patricia Cline Cohen | A calculating people: the spread of numeracy in early America | 0 415 92578 9 | Routledge | Bruce N. Roth | 538 | November 2001 |
P. M. Cohn | An introduction to ring theory | 1 85233 206 9 | Springer | Tony Barnard | 362 | July 2001 |
P. M. Cohn | Classic algebra | 0 471 8773 1 X | Wiley | Patrick Quill | 175 | March 2002 |
P. M. Cohn | Further algebra and applications | 1 85233 667 6 | Springer | Robert Curtis | 381 | July 2004 |
P. M. Cohn | Basic algebra | 1 85233 587 4 | Springer | Gerry Leversha | 153 | March 2005 |
Lawrence Conlon | Differentiable manifolds (2nd edn) | 0 8176 4134 3 | Birkhäuser | Peter Giblin | 181 | March 2002 |
Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications | For all practical purposes: mathematical literacy in today's world (6th edn) | 0 7167 4782 0 | W. H. Freeman | S. C. Russen | 388 | July 2004 |
J. H. Conway. | On numbers and games (2nd edn) | 1 56881 127 6 | A. K. Peters | P. Shiu | 359 | July 2001 |
John H. Conway and Derek A. Smith | On quaternions and octonions: Their geometry, arithmetic, and symmetry | 1 5688 134 9 | A. K. Peters | Hugh Williams | 357 | July 2004 |
J. L. Coolidge | A history of geometrical methods (reprint) | 0 486 49524 8 | Dover | P. N. Ruane | 373 | July 2004 |
Jack Copeland | The essential Turing | 0 19 825080 0 | Oxford University Press | S. C. Coutinho | 185 | March 2006 |
Bruno Cordani | The Kepler problem: group theoretical aspects, regularization and quantization, . . . | 3 7643 6902 7 | Birkhäuser | S. C. Russen | 177 | March 2004 |
R. Cori and D. Lascar | Mathematical logic: a course with exercises (Part I) | 0 19 850048 3 | OUP | Brian J. Philp | 361 | July 2001 |
René Cori and Daniel Lascar | Mathematical logic: a course with exercises Part II: Recursion theory, Gödel's theorems, set theory, model theory |
0 19 850050 5 | OUP | S. C. Russen | 187 | March 2004 |
Antonio F. Costa and Bernardo Gómez | Arabesques and geometry, a video | 3 540 92640 2 | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 189 | March 2001 |
H. S. M. Coxeter, P. Du Val, H. T. Flather, J. F. Petrie | The fifty-nine icosahedra (3rd edn) | 1 899618 32 5 | Tarquin | H. Martyn Cundy | 360 | July 2002 |
H. S. M. Coxeter | Non-Euclidean geometry (6th edn) | 0 88385 522 4 | MAA | Tony Gardiner | 364 | July 2002 |
Richard Crandall and Carl Pomerance | Prime numbers: A computational perspective | 0 387 94777 9 | Springer-Verlag | Tony Forbes | 552 | November 2002 |
Anthony Croft, Robert Davison and Martin Hargreaves | Engineering mathematics (3rd edn) | 0 130 26858 5 | Pearson Educational | Tony Crilly | 362 | July 2003 |
Paul Cull, Mary Flahive, and Robby Robson | Difference equations: from rabbits to chaos | 0 387 23233 8 | Springer | Tony Crilly | 373 | July 2007 |
E. Cumberbatch and A. Fitt (eds.) | Mathematical modelling: case studies from industry | 052011736 | CUP | Bill Cox | 400 | July 2003 |
Serafino Cuomo | Pappus of Alexandria and mathematics of late antiquity | 0 521 64211 6 | CUP | David Fowler | 534 | November 2001 |
Andrew I. Dale | Most honourable remembrance: The life and work of Thomas Bayes | 0 387 00499 8 | Springer-Verlag | D. V. Lindley | 171 | March 2006 |
G. B. Dantzig and M. N. Thapa | Linear programming 2: Theory and extensions | 0 387 00834 9 | Springer | David Griffel | 605 | November 2004 |
Alain Darte, Yves Robert and Frédéric Vivien | Scheduling and automatic parallelization | 0 8176 4191 1 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 188 | March 2001 |
Sian Davies and Mererid Stone | Two number jigsaws - multiplication and division facts | ATM | Graham H. Storr | 598 | November 2003 | |
Michael Davies, Anthony Eccles, Bob Francis, Nigel Green, Roger Porkess | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: Statistics 2 | 0 340 88853 9 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
Michael Davies, Ray Dunnett, Anthony Eccles, Nigel Green and Roger Porkess | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: Statistics 3 | 0 340 90525 5 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
Michael Davies, Bob Francis, Bill Gibson and Gerald Goodall | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: Statistics 4 | 0 340 90526 3 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
Julian L. Davis | Mathematics of wave propagation | 0 691 02643 2 | Princeton University Press | Bill Cox | 563 | November 2001 |
A. C. Davison | Statistical models | 0 521 77339 3 | Cambridge University Press | D. V. Lindley | 175 | March 2006 |
Philip J. Davis | The education of a mathematician | 1 56881 116 0 | A. K. Peters | Tony Crilly | 354 | July 2001 |
John W. Dawson Jr | Logical dilemmas - the life and work of Kurt Gödel | 1 56881 256 6 | A. K. Peters | Clive Kilmister | 568 | November 2006 |
G. de Barra | Measure theory and integration (2nd edn) | 1 904275 04 4 | Horwood | Tony Crilly | 340 | July 2005 |
M. de Berg, M. van Kreveld, M. Overmars and O. Schwarzkopf | Computational geometry: algorithms and applications (2nd edn) | 3 540 65620 0 | Springer-Verlag | Peter Giblin | 175 | March 2001 |
Paulo Ney de Souza and Jorge-Nuno Silva | Berkeley problems in mathematics (2nd edn) | 0 387 952071 | Springer | Nick Lord | 404 | July 2003 |
Paulo Ney de Souza and Jorge-Nuno Silva (eds) | Berkeley problems in mathematics (3rd edn.) | 0 387 00892 6 | Springer | Chris Good | 381 | July 2006 |
Michael D. de Villiers | Rethinking proof with The Geometer's Sketchpad CD-ROM | 1 55953 646 2 | Key Curriculum Press | A. J. Oldknow | 124 | March 2005 |
Kalyanmoy Deb | Multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms | 0 471 87339 X | Wiley | David Griffel | 409 | July 2003 |
Mark Denny and Steven Gaines | Chance in biology: using probability to explore nature | 0 691 09494 2 | Princeton University Press | Gerry Leversha | 383 | July 2004 |
John Derbyshire | Prime obsession - Bernhard Riemann and the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics | 0 309 08549 7 | Joseph Henry Press | John Baylis | 327 | July 2005 |
Peter Deuflhard and Andreas Hohmann | Numerical analysis in modern scientific computing: an introduction (2nd edn) | 0 387 95410 4 | Springer-Verlag | S. C. Russen | 414 | July 2004 |
Keith Devlin | Sets, functions, and logic: an introduction to abstract mathematics (3rd edn) | 1 58488 449 5 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | Michael Ward | 182 | March 2005 |
A. K. Dewdney | The planiverse: computer contact with a two-dimensional world (Millennium edn) | 0 387 98916 1 | Copernicus Books | Steve Abbott | 535 | November 2001 |
A. K. Dewdney | A mathematical mystery tour: discovering the truth and beauty of the cosmos | 0 471 40734 8 | Wiley | A. Robert Pargeter | 542 | November 2002 |
A. K. Dewdney | Beyond reason: 8 great problems that reveal the limits of science | 0 4710 1398 6 | Wiley | Hugh Williams | 549 | November 2006 |
Jean Dhombres, Joseph P. S. Kung and Norton Starr (eds) | Gian-Carlo Rota on analysis and probability: selected papers and commentaries | 0 8176 4275 7 | Birkhäuser | S. C. Russen | 180 | March 2004 |
David C. M. Dickson | Insurance risk and ruin | 0 521 84640 | Cambridge University Press | N. H. Bingham | 378 | July 2007 |
Leonard E. Dickson | History of the theory of numbers (3 vols) | 0 8218 1938 0 | AMS | Steve Abbott | 539 | November 2001 |
Zoltan Paul Dienes | Calls from the past | 0 75411 3477 | Minerva Press | B. H. Neumann | 534 | November 2001 |
Reinhard Diestel | Graph theory (2nd edn.) | 0 387 98976 5 | Springer-Verlag | Ian Anderson | 176 | March 2001 |
Nicolae Dinculeanu | Vector integration and stochastic integration in Banach spaces | 0 471 37738 4 | Wiley | David Applebaum | 183 | March 2002 |
Sean Dineen | Multivariate calculus and geometry (2nd edn) | 1 85233 472X | Springer | Peter Saunders | 180 | March 2002 |
Steve Dobbs and Jane Miller | Statistics 1 | 0 521 78603 7 | CUP | H. Mason | 151 | March 2001 |
Steve Dobbs and Jane Miller | Statistics 2 | 0 521 78604 5 | CUP | Richard Bridges | 345 | July 2001 |
Phil Dodd | Fourbidden: card game | ATM | Graham H. Storr | 144 | March 2001 | |
Phil Dodd | FourbiddenToo: Card game | ATM | Graham H. Storr | 354 | July 2002 | |
Phil Dodd and Kathryn Janghan | Two algebra jigsaws | ATM | Frank Davis | 534 | November 2002 | |
Charles L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) | Euclid and his modern rivals | 0 486 49566 3 | Dover Phoenix Editions | Amirouche Moktefi | 556 | November 2005 |
Stan Dolan | Discrete Mathematics 1 | 0 521 78610 X | CUP | David Whetton | 163 | March 2002 |
Chris Doran and Anthony Lasenby | Geometric algebra for physicists | 0 521 48022 1 | Cambridge University Press | Tony Crilly | 180 | March 2005 |
P. G. Drazin | Introduction to hydrodynamic stability | 0 521 0096 5 | CUP | Bill Cox | 391 | July 2004 |
Marcus du Sautoy | The music of the primes | 1 84115 579 9 | Fourth Estate | John Baylis | 348 | July 2005 |
William Dunham | The calculus gallery: Masterpieces from Newton to Lebesgue | 0691 09565 5 | Princeton University Press | Hugh Williams | 173 | March 2007 |
G. Waldo Dunnington | Karl Friedrich Gauss: Titan of science | 0 88385 547 X | Mathematical Association of America | I. Grattan-Guinness | 344 | July 2005 |
John R. Durbin | Modern algebra: an introduction (4th edn) | 0 471 32147 8 | Wiley | Patrick Quill | 170 | March 2001 |
P. P. G. Dyke | Managing mathematical projects - with success | 1 85233 736 2 | Springer Verlag | David Hood | 187 | March 2007 |
Anthony Eccles, Bob Francis, Alan Graham and Roger Porkess | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: Statistics 1 | 0 340 81399 7 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
Edexcel examining team | Edexcel GCSE: Modular mathematics examples and practice: Foundation Stage 3 | 0 435 556 0 | Heinemann | Frank Davis | 333 | July 2004 |
David E. Edmunds, V. Kokilashvili and A. Meskhi | Bounded and compact operators | 1 4020 0619 5 | Kluwer | S. C. Russen | 179 | March 2004 |
A. W. F. Edwards | Cogwheels of the mind: the story of Venn diagrams | 0 8018 7434 3 | Johns Hopkins | Gerry Leversha | 184 | March 2005 |
Harold M. Edwards | Essays in constructive mathematics | 0 387 21978 1 | Springer | John Baylis | 570 | November 2006 |
Kimberly Elam | Geometry of design | 1 56898 249 6 | Princeton Architectural Press | Michael de Villiers | 160 | March 2005 |
Rosemary Emanuel, John Wood and Janet Crawshaw | Advanced maths: A2 core for AQA | 0 582 84234 4 | Pearson-Longman | Gerry Leversha | 552 | November 2005 |
Rosemary Emanuel, John Wood and Janet Crawshaw | Advanced maths: A2 core for EdExcel | 0 582 84236 0 | Pearson-Longman | Gerry Leversha | 552 | November 2005 |
Rosemary Emanuel, John Wood and Janet Crawshaw | Advanced maths: A2 core for OCR | 0 582 84240 9 | Pearson-Longman | Gerry Leversha | 552 | November 2005 |
Rosemary Emanuel and John Wood | Advanced maths: AS core for AQA | 0 582 84235 2 | Pearson-Longman | Gerry Leversha | 552 | November 2005 |
Rosemary Emanuel and John Wood | Advanced maths: AS core for EdExcel | 0 582 84237 9 | Pearson-Longman | Gerry Leversha | 552 | November 2005 |
Rosemary Emanuel and John Wood | Advanced maths: AS core for OCR | 0 582 84631 5 | Pearson-Longman | Gerry Leversha | 552 | November 2005 |
Michele Emmer (ed) | Mathematics and culture II: Visual perfection, mathematics and creativity | 3 540 21368 6 | Springer | Gerry Leversha | 167 | March 2007 |
Michele Emmer and Mirella Manaresi (eds.) | Mathematics, Art, Technology and Cinema | 3 540 00601 X | Springer | Gerry Leversha | 133 | March 2005 |
M. Emmer and D. Schattschneider (eds.) | M. C. Escher's legacy: A centennial celebration (with CD Rom) | 3 540 42458 X | Springer | P. N. Ruane | 135 | March 2005 |
Michele Emmer (ed) | Mathematics and culture | 3 540 01770 4 | Springer | Gerry Leversha | 137 | March 2005 |
Bjorn Engquist and Wilfred Schmidt (eds) | Mathematics unlimited - 2001 and beyond | 3 540 66913 2 | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 531 | November 2001 |
Canon D. B. Eperson | Music and mathematics | 1 85 776 636 9 | The Book Guild Ltd | Bud Winteridge | 599 | November 2003 |
James F. Epperson | An introduction to numerical methods and analysis | 0 471 3164744 | Wiley | M. R. Mudge | 413 | July 2003 |
Paul Erdös and János Surányi | Topics in the theory of numbers | 0 38795320 5 | Springer | John Baylis | 350 | July 2004 |
Donald Estep | Practical analysis in one variable | 0 387 95484 8 | Springer | Gerry Leversha | 154 | March 2005 |
Warren J. Ewens | Mathematical population genetics | 0 387 20191 2 | Springer | Tony Crilly | 571 | November 2005 |
M. Fabian et al | Functional analysis and infinite- dimensional geometry | 0 387 95219 5 | Springer | Nick Lord | 395 | July 2003 |
Gerald Farin and Dianne Hansford | The essentials of CAGD | 1 56881 123 3 | A. K. Peters | Peter Giblin | 183 | March 2002 |
Lesley S. J. Farmer | Go figure! Mathematics through sports | 1 56308 708 1 | Teachers Ideas Press | Steve Abbott | 149 | March 2001 |
John Fauvel, Raymond Flood and Robin Wilson (eds.) | Music and mathematics, from Pythagoras to fractals | 0 19 851187 6 | OUP | Gerry Leversha | 600 | November 2004 |
Solomon Feferman, et al (eds.) | Kurt Gödel, Collected works volume I: Publications 1929-1936 | 0 19 514720 0 | OUP | Graham Hoare | 372 | July 2002 |
Solomon Feferman, et al (eds.) | Kurt Gödel, Collected works volume II: Publications 1938-1974 | 0 19 514721 9 | OUP | Graham Hoare | 374 | July 2002 |
Anita Feferman and Solomon Feferman | Alfred Tarski: life and logic | 0 521 80240 7 | Cambridge University Press | C. W . Kilmister | 330 | July 2005 |
Roger Fenn | Geometry | 1 85233 58 9 | Springer-Verlag | P. N. Ruane | 542 | November 2001 |
Alexandre T. Filippov | The versatile soliton | 0 8176 3635 8 | Birkhäuser Verlag | Ll. G. Chambers | 378 | July 2001 |
Steven R. Finch | Mathematical constants | 0 521 81805 2 | Cambridge University Press | Gerry Leversha | 156 | March 2005 |
A. C. Fischer-Cripps | The mathematics companion | 0 7503 1020 0 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Peter MacGregor | 166 | March 2007 |
Erica Flapan | When topology meets chemistry: a topological look at molecular chirality | 0 521 66482 9 | CUP | Nick Lord | 550 | November 2001 |
Richard J. Fleming and James E. Jamison | Isometries on Banach spaces: function spaces | 1 58488 040 6 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | S. C. Russen | 370 | July 2004 |
R. Fletcher | Practical methods of optimization (2nd edn) | 0 471 49463 1 | Wiley | Ll. G Chambers | 562 | November 2001 |
C. Foias, O. Manley, R. Rosa & R. Temam | Navier-Stokes equations and turbulence | 0 521 36032 3 | CUP | D. H. Peregrine | 403 | July 2003 |
Thomas Forster | Logic, induction and sets | 0 521 53361 9 | Cambridge University Press | Nick Lord | 185 | March 2005 |
Torkel Franzen | Gödel's theorem - an incomplete guide to its use and abuse | 1 56881 238 8 | A. K. Peters | Clive Kilmister | 184 | March 2007 |
Greg N. Frederickson | Hinged dissections: swinging and twisting | 0 521 81192 9 | CUP | P. N. Ruane | 183 | March 2004 |
Greg N. Frederickson | Dissections: plane and fancy | 0 521 525829 | CUP | A. Robert Pargeter | 371 | July 2004 |
Doug French | Teaching and learning algebra | 0 8264 5222 1 | Continuum | Geoff Tennant | 123 | March 2005 |
Doug French | Teaching and learning geometry | 0 8264 7362 8 | London: Continuum | Geoff Tennant | 365 | July 2006 |
William Frucht (ed.) | Imaginary Numbers: an anthology | 0 471 39341 X | Wiley | Michael Ward | 533 | November 2001 |
Hidetoshi Fukagawa and John F. Rigby | Traditional Japanese mathematics: Problems of the 18th and 19th centuries | 981 04 2759 X | SCT | A. Robert Pargeter | 170 | March 2004 |
Glenn R. Fulford and Philip Broadbridge | Industrial mathematics: case studies in the diffusion of heat and matter | 0 521 0018 1 | CUP | Ll. G. Chambers | 392 | July 2004 |
B. A. Fusaro and P. C. Kenschaft (eds) | Environmental mathematics in the classroom | 0 88385 714 6 | MAA | M. L. Perkins | 334 | July 2004 |
Jean Gallier | Geometric methods and applications for computer science and engineering | 0 387 95044 3 | Springer-Verlag | Hugh Williams | 564 | November 2002 |
Theodore W. Gamelin | Complex analysis | 1 387 95069 9 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 367 | July 2002 |
A. D. Gardiner and C. J. Bradley | Plane Euclidean Geometry | 0 9536823 6 6 | UKMT | Gerry Leversha | 173 | March 2007 |
Tony Gardiner (ed.) | Maths Challenge 1 | 0 19 914777 9 | OUP | Robert Barbour | 342 | July 2001 |
Martin Gardner | Gardner's workout: training the mind and entertaining the spirit | 1 56881 120 9 | A. K. Peters | Tony Crilly | 158 | March 2002 |
Martin Gardner | Mathematical puzzle tales | 0 88385 533 X | MAA | A. Robert Pargeter | 543 | November 2002 |
Danièle Gardy and Abdelkader Mokkadem (eds) | Mathematics and computer science: algorithms, trees, combinatorics and probabilities | 3 7643 6430 0 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 574 | November 2001 |
Rowan Garnier and John Taylor | Discrete mathematics for new technology(2nd edn) | 0 7503 0652 1 | Institute of Physics | S. C. Russen | 378 | July 2004 |
Paul H. Garthwaite, Ian T. Jolliffe and Byron Jones | Statistical inference (2nd edn), | 0 19 857226 3 | OUP | Gerry Leversha | 401 | July 2003 |
I. M. Gelfand and M. Saul | Trigonometry | 0 8176 3914 4 | Birkhäuser | Gerry Leversha | 161 | March 2002 |
I. M. Gel'fand, E. G. Glagoleva and A. A. Kirillov | The method of coordinates | 0 8176 3533 5 | Birkhäuser | Sudan Hansraj | 157 | March 2005 |
Maria Georgiadou | Constantin Carathéodory. Mathematics and politics in turbulent times | 3 540 20352 4 | Springer | I. Grattan-Guinness | 558 | November 2005 |
Chonat Getz and Janet Helmstedt | Graphics with Mathematica: fractals, Julia sets, patterns and natural forms | 0 44451760 X | Elsevier | S. C. Coutinho | 376 | July 2006 |
C. G. Gibson | Elementary geometry of differentiable curves | 0 521 01107 8 | CUP | Peter Giblin | 396 | July 2003 |
George T. Gilbert and Rhonda L. Thatcher | Mathematics beyond the numbers | 0 471 13939 3 | Wiley | Bud Winteridge | 369 | July 2002 |
William J. Gilbert | Modern algebra with applications | 0 471 23543 1 | Wiley | Des MacHale | 354 | July 2004 |
Geoff Giles | Proof in elementary geometry | 1 898611 17 3 | ATM | Frank Davis | 335 | July 2004 |
Lynne Gladstone-Millar | John Napier: Logarithm John | 1 901663 70 1 | Nat. Mus. Scot. | Tony Crilly | 349 | July 2004 |
R. Godement | Analysis I: convergence, elementary functions | 1 59033 924 | Nova Science Publishers | Nick Lord | 152 | March 2005 |
Oded Goldreich | Foundations of cryptography: basic tools | 0 521 79172 3 | CUP | P. Shiu | 381 | July 2003 |
J. Grabmeier, E. Kaltofen and V. Weispfenning (eds) | Computer algebra handbook | 3 540 65466 6 | Springer-Verlag | S. C. Coutinho | 410 | July 2004 |
José M. Gracia-Bondía, J. C. Várilly and H. Figueroa | Elements of noncommutative geometry | 0 8176 4124 6 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 574 | November 2001 |
Alan Graham and Barrie Galpin | Calculator maths | A+B BOOKS | Graham H. Storr | 181 | March 2003 | |
Alan Graham and Barrie Galpin | Calculator calculus, A+B books | 0 9541020 2 9 | Texas Instruments | David Whetton | 606 | November 2003 |
Alan Graham and Barrie Galpin | Calculator statistics, A+B books | 0 9541020 1 0 | Texas Instruments | David Whetton | 606 | November 2003 |
Ted Graham | Advancing Maths for AQA: Mechanics 1 | 0435 513060 | Heinemann | Tom Roper | 531 | November 2001 |
Ted Graham, Aidan Burrows and Joan Corbett | Advancing maths for AQA: Mechanics 3 | 0 435 51308 7 | Heinemann | Frank Davis | 355 | July 2003 |
Ted Graham, Aidan Burrows and Brian Gaulter | Advancing maths for AQA: Mechanics 4 | 0 435 51309 5 | Heinemann | Frank Davis | 358 | July 2003 |
Ted Graham, Aidan Burrows and Brian Gaulter | Advancing maths for AQA: Mechanics 5 | 0 435 51310 9 | Heinemann | Frank Davis | 358 | July 2003 |
Jeremy J. Gray | The Hilbert challenge: a perspective on twentieth century mathematics | 0 19 850651 1 | OUP | Graham Hoare | 163 | March 2001 |
Jeremy J. Gray | Linear differential equations and group theory: from Riemann to Poincaré (2nd edn) | 0 8176 3837 7 | Birkhäuser | Tony Crilly | 173 | March 2002 |
George Greaves | Sieves in number theory | 3 540 41647 1 | Springer-Verlag | P. Shiu | 550 | November 2002 |
Geoffrey Grimmett and David Stirzaker | One thousand exercises in probability | 0 19 857221 2 | OUP | David Applebaum | 185 | March 2002 |
Geoffrey Grimmett and David Stirzaker | Probability and random processes (3rd edn) | 0 19 857222 0 | OUP | David Applebaum | 185 | March 2002 |
Albert W. Grootendorst | Jan de Witt's, Elementa curvarum linearum liber primus | 0 387 98748 7 | Springer | Michael Fox | 357 | July 2001 |
George Grätzer. | First steps in LaTeX | 3 7643 4132 7 | Birkhäuser, Springer-Verlag | P. Shiu | 186 | March 2001 |
Branko Grünbaum | Convex polytopes (2nd edn) | 0 387 00424 6 | Springer | Nick Lord | 164 | March 2005 |
Stephen J. Gustafson and Israel Michael Sigal | Mathematical concepts of quantum mechanics | 3 540 44160 3 | Springer-Verlag | D. Morris | 169 | March 2005 |
Richard K. Guy | Unsolved problems in number theory (3rd edn) | 0 387 20860 | Springer-Verlag | P. Shiu | 562 | November 2005 |
John Haigh | Probability models | 1 85233 431 2 | Springer Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 386 | July 2004 |
John Haigh | Taking chances | 0 19 852663 6 | Oxford University Press | Gerry Leversha | 166 | March 2005 |
Brian Hall | Lie groups, Lie algebras, and representations: An elementary introduction | 0 387 401229 | Springer-Verlag | Mark Hunacek | 149 | March 2005 |
Gábor Halász, L. Lovász, M. Simonovits, V. T. Sós (eds) | Paul Erdõs and his mathematics, I + II | 3 540 42236 6 | Springer | P. Shiu | 346 | July 2004 |
D. R. Hankerson, D. G. Hoffman, D. A. Leonard, et al. | Coding theory and cryptography - the essentials (2nd edn) | 0 8247 0465 7 | Marcel Dekker | John Baylis | 561 | November 2001 |
Val Hanrahan, Jean Matthews, Roger Porkess and Peter Seeker | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: AS Pure Mathematics C1/C2 | 0 340 81397 0 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
M. J. Shai Haran | The mysteries of the real prime | 0 19 850868 9 | OUP | Steve Abbott | 185 | March 2003 |
G. H. Hardy | Ramanujan: Twelve lectures on subjects suggested by his life and work | 0 8218 2023 0 | AMS | Steve Abbott | 541 | November 2001 |
Yorick Hardy and Willi-Hans Steeb | Classical and quantum computing, with ![]() |
3 7643 6610 9 | Birkhäuser-Verlag | S. C. Coutinho | 188 | March 2004 |
John M. Harris, Jeffry L. Hirst, Michael J. Mossinghoff | Combinatorics and graph theory | 0 387 98736 3 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 177 | March 2002 |
Robert L. Harris | Information graphics | 0 19 513532 6 | OUP | Tony Robin | 341 | July 2001 |
Robin Hartshorne | Geometry: Euclid and beyond | 0 387 98650 2 | Springer | H. Martyn Cundy | 368 | July 2001 |
Julian Havil | Gamma: exploring Euler's constant | 0 691 09983 9 | Princeton University Press | Gerry Leversha | 341 | July 2004 |
Tian-Xiao He | Dimensionality reducing expansion of multivariate integration | 0 8176 4170 X | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 191 | March 2002 |
Terry Heard, David Martin, Bernard Murphy | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: A2 Further Pure Mathematics FP2 | 0 340 81460 8 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
Terry Heard, David Martin and Bob Francis | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: Additional Further Pure Mathematics FP3 | 0 340 88996 9 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
John Hebborn, Jean Littlewood, Fred Norton | Heinemann Modular Mathematics for EDEXCEL AS and A-Level: Mechanics 1 | 0435 510746 | Heinemann | Tom Roper | 531 | November 2001 |
John Hebborn | Decision mathematics 2 | 0 435 51081 9 | Heinemann | David Whetton | 349 | July 2002 |
John Hebborn | Revise for Decision Maths 1 | 0 435 51119 X | Heinemann | Kiril Bankov | 537 | November 2002 |
John Hebborn and Jean Littlewood | Heinemann modular mathematics revise for Mechanics 3 | 0 435 51115 7 | Heinemann | Frank Davis | 355 | July 2003 |
John Hebborn and Jean Littlewood | Mechanics 6 (New Edition) | 0 435 51079 7 | Heinemann | S. C. Russen | 169 | March 2004 |
Siegfried S. Hecker and Gian-Carlo Rota (eds.) | Essays on the future: in honor of Nick Metropolis | 0 8176 3856 3 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 537 | November 2001 |
H.-C. Hege, K. Polthier and M. Rumpf (eds.) | MathInsight 2002, | 3 540 67472 1 | Springer Verlag | Steve Abbott | 367 | July 2003 |
Heinemann Writing Team | Edexcel GCSE Mathematics Higher Course | 0 435 53271 5 | Heinemann | Philip Jaynes | 534 | November 2002 |
A. Ya. Helemskii (ed). | Topological homology | 1 56072 761 6 | Nova Science | Steve Abbott | 187 | March 2001 |
Pavol Hell and Jaroslav Nesetril | Graphs and homomorphisms | 019852817 5 | Oxford University Press | Mark Hunacek | 181 | March 2006 |
Jiri Herman, Radan Kucera and Jaromir Simsa | Equations and inequalities: Elementary problems and theorems in algebra and number theory | 0 387 98942 0 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 158 | March 2001 |
Jiri Herman, Radan Kucera and Jaromir Simsa | Counting and configurations; problems in combinatorics, arithmetic and geometry | 0 387 95552 6 | Springer-Verlag | Ian Anderson | 379 | July 2004 |
Roger Herz-Fischer | The shape of the great pyramid | 0 88920 324 5 | Wilfred Laurier Press | P. N. Ruane | 361 | July 2002 |
Peter Higgins | Mathematics for the imagination | 0 19 860460 2 | OUP | Gerry Leversha | 172 | March 2004 |
Desmond J. Higham | An introduction to financial option valuation: Mathematics, stochastics and computation | 0 521 83884 3 | Cambridge University Press | N. H. Bingham | 338 | July 2005 |
Peter Hilton, Derek Holton, Jean Pedersen | Mathematical reflections in a room with many mirrors | 0 387 94770 1 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 376 | July 2003 |
Peter Hilton, Derek Holton, Jean Pedersen | Mathematical vistas from a room with many windows | 0 387 95064 8 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 376 | July 2003 |
Johan Hoffman, Claes Johnson and Anders Logg | Dreams of calculus | 3 540 21976 5 | Springer | Gerry Leversha | 186 | March 2005 |
Bart K. Holland | What are the chances? - Voodoo deaths, office gossip, and other adventures in probability | 0 8018 6941 2 | John Hopkins | Gerry Leversha | 186 | March 2004 |
David Holland, Pat Bryden, John Berry, Ted Graham and Roger Porkess | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: Mechanics 2 | 0 340 88852 0 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
Audun Holme | Geometry - our cultural heritage, | 3 540 41949 7 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 397 | July 2003 |
Kevin Holmes and Rik van Grol | A compendium of cube-assembly puzzles using polycube shapes | Trench Puzzles | Michael Ward | 403 | July 2004 | |
G. M. Homsy, H. Aref, K. S. Breuer, S. Hochgreb, J. R. Koseff and B. R. Munson | Multi-media fluid mechanics | 0 521 78748 3 | CUP | Richard Bridges | 380 | July 2001 |
Ken Houston (ed.) | Creators of mathematics: the Irish connection | 1 900621 495 | University College Dublin Press | Patrick Quill | 545 | November 2002 |
Don Howard and John Stachel (eds.) | Einstein: the formative years, 1879-1909 | 0 8176 4030 4 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 539 | November 2001 |
Don Howard and John Stachel (eds.) | Einstein: the formative years 1879-1909 | 3 7643 4030 4 | Birkhäuser | Tony Crilly | 169 | March 2002 |
Fredric T. Howard (ed.) | Applications of Fibonacci numbers, Vol. 8 | 0 7923 6027 3 | Kluwer | Steve Abbott | 189 | March 2001 |
John Howie | Real analysis | 1 85233 314 6 | Springer-Verlag | Nick Lord | 549 | November 2001 |
John M. Howie | Complex analysis | 1 85233 733 8 | Springer | Nick Lord | 367 | July 2004 |
Sam Howison | Practical applied mathematics | 0 521 60369 2 | Cambridge University Press | Nick Lord | 165 | March 2007 |
Celia Hoyles, Derek Foxman and Dietmar Küchemann | A comparative study of geometry curricula | 1 85838 509 1 | QCA | Doug French | 604 | November 2003 |
Stephen Huggett and David Jordan | A topological aperitif | 1 85233 377 4 | Springer-Verlag | Nick Lord | 553 | November 2001 |
Karen Hughes (et al) | Edexcel GCSE mathematics 16+ | 0 435 53284 7 | Heinemann | Graham H. Storr | 360 | July 2003 |
Thomas Hull | Origami 3 | 1 56881181 0 | A. K. Peters | David Mitchell, Sue Pope | 188 | March 2006 |
Brian R. Hunt, Ronald L. Lipsman and Jonathan M. Rosenberg | A guide to MATLAB: for beginners and experienced users | 0 521 00859 X | CUP | P. Shiu | 538 | November 2002 |
Brian R. Hunt, J. A. Kennedy, T.-Y. Li, & H. E. Nusse (eds.) | The theory of chaotic attractors | 0 387 40349 3 | Springer Verlag | Dennis Morris | 168 | March 2005 |
Daniel Huybrechts | Complex geometry, an introduction | 3 540 21290 6 | Springer-Verlag | Peter Giblin | 175 | March 2007 |
Peter E. Hydon | Symmetry methods for differential equations: a beginners guide | 0 521 49786 8 | CUP | C. W. Kilmister | 556 | November 2001 |
Impact Maths Team | Impact Maths 3 Green | 0435 018310 | Heinemann | H. Mason | 533 | November 2002 |
Impact Maths Team | Impact Maths 3 Blue | 0435 018329 | Heinemann | H. Mason | 533 | November 2002 |
Ronald S. Irving | Integers, polynomials, and rings: A course in algebra | 0 387 20172 6 | Springer-Verlag | P. Shiu | 563 | November 2005 |
Giorgio Israel and Ana Millán Gasca | The biology of numbers: the correspondence of Vito Volterra on mathematical biology | 3 7643 6514 5 | Birkhäuser | S. C. Russen | 392 | July 2004 |
David M. Jackson and Terry I. Visentin | An atlas of smaller maps in orientable and non-orientable surfaces | 1 584 88207 7 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | Steve Abbott | 573 | November 2001 |
Harold R. Jacobs | Geometry: seeing, doing, understanding | 0 7167 4361 2 | W. H. Freeman | S. C. Russen | 375 | July 2004 |
Janet Jagger | Dictionary of mechanics (2nd edn) | 0 906588 46 4 | MA | Peter MacGregor | 182 | March 2003 |
Glyn James (et al) | Modern engineering mathematics (3rd edn) | 0 130 18319 9 | Pearson Educational | Tony Crilly | 362 | July 2003 |
Gordon James and Martin Liebeck | Representations and characters of groups (2nd edn) | 0 521 00392 X | CUP | John Baylis | 370 | July 2002 |
Ioan James | Remarkable mathematicians: from Euler to von Neumann | 0 521 52094 0 | CUP/MAA | I. Grattan-Guinness | 342 | July 2004 |
Ioan James | Remarkable physicists: from Galileo to Yukawa | 0 521 01706 8 | Cambridge University Press | Tony Crilly | 555 | November 2005 |
G. J. O. Jameson | The prime number theorem | 0 521 89110 8 | Cambridge University Press | Peter Giblin | 147 | March 2005 |
K. Janich | Vector analysis | 0 387 98649 9 | Springer-Verlag | Tim Porter | 380 | July 2002 |
Thomas Jech | Set theory: the third millennium edition | 3 540 44085 2 | Springer | Gerry Leversha | 183 | March 2005 |
Brian Jefferson, Tony Beadsworth | Introducing Mechanics | 0 199147108 | OUP | Tom Roper | 531 | November 2001 |
Peter Jolly, David Kent, Keith Pledger | Edexcel GCSE mod. maths examples and practice - Foundation stage 1 | 0 435 53542 0 | Heinemann | Graham H. Storr | 356 | July 2003 |
Peter Jolly, David Kent, Keith Pledger | Edexcel GCSE mod. maths examples and practice - Intermediate stage 1 | 0 435 53539 0 | Heinemann | Graham H. Storr | 356 | July 2003 |
Peter Jolly, David Kent, Keith Pledger | Edexcel GCSE mod. maths examples and practice - Higher stage 1 | 0 435 53543 9 | Heinemann | Graham H. Storr | 356 | July 2003 |
Antonia J. Jones | Game theory: mathematical models of conflict | 1 898563 14 4 | Horwood | James Webb | 178 | March 2002 |
Gareth A. Jones and J. Mary Jones | Information and coding theory | 1 85233 622 6 | Springer | John Baylis | 377 | July 2001 |
Huw Jones | Computer graphics through key mathematics | 1 85233 422 3 | Springer | Richard Bridges | 556 | November 2001 |
P. W. Jones and P. Smith | Stochastic processes, an introduction | 0 30 80654 0 | Arnold | David Applebaum | 567 | November 2002 |
Jürgen Jost | Partial differential equations | 0 387 95428 7 | Springer | Nick Lord | 364 | July 2004 |
Jürgen Jost | Compact Riemann surfaces (2nd edn) | 3 540 43299 X | Springer | Nick Lord | 603 | November 2004 |
Victor Kac and Pokman Cheung | Quantum calculus | 0 387 95341 8 | Springer | James Gazet | 363 | July 2004 |
W. J. Kaczor and M. T. Nowak | Problems in mathematical analysis I: real numbers, sequences and series | 0 8218 2050 8 | AMS | S. C. Russen | 180 | March 2004 |
Michale J. Kallaher (ed.) | Revolutions in differential equations: exploring ODEs with modern technology | 0 88385 160 1 | CUP | C. W. Kilmister | 374 | July 2001 |
Olav Kallenberg | Foundations of modern probability | 0 387 95313 2 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 187 | March 2004 |
D. M. Kammen and D. M. Hassenzahl | Should we risk it? | 0 691 07457 7 | Princeton University Press | Peter T. Saunders | 376 | July 2002 |
Richard Kane | Reflection groups and invariant theory | 0 387 98979 X | Springer-Verlag | John R. Silvester | 185 | March 2003 |
Shen Kangshen, John N. Crossley and Anthony W.-C. Lun | The nine chapters on the mathematical art: companion and commentary | 0 19 853936 3 | OUP | Steve Abbott | 168 | March 2001 |
Robert Kaplan | The Nothing that is: a natural history of zero | 0 14027943 1 | Penguin | Gerry Leversha | 349 | July 2001 |
Michael Kapovich | Hyperbolic manifolds and discrete groups | 0 8176 3904 7 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 573 | November 2001 |
Harvir S. Kasana and Krishna D. Kumar | Introductory operations research: Theory and applications | 3 540 40138 5 | Springer-Verlag | David Griffel | 377 | July 2006 |
Stephan Kaufmann | A crash course in Mathematica | 3 7643 6127 1 | Birkhäuser | Michael Fox | 555 | November 2001 |
John O. Kiltinen | Oval track and other permutation puzzles - and just enough group theory to solve them | 0 83385 725 1 | Mathematical Association of America | Ron Knott | 332 | July 2005 |
Clark Kimberling | Triangle centers and central triangles | ISSN 0316 1282 | Utilitas Mathematica | C. F. Parry | 172 | March 2001 |
Clark Kimberling | Triangle centers and central triangles | ISSN 0316 1282 | Utilitas Mathematica | Gerry Leversha | 173 | March 2001 |
A. C. King, J. Billingham and S. Otto | Differential equations: Linear, non-linear, ordinary, partial | 0 521 01658 0 | CUP | Ll. G. Chambers | 366 | July 2004 |
I. Christine Kinsey and Teresa E. Moore | Symmetry, space and shape: an introduction to mathematics through geometry | 1 930190 09 3 | Key Curriculum Press | Gerry Leversha | 165 | March 2002 |
Felix Klein | Lectures on mathematics | 0 8218 2733 2 | AMS | Steve Abbott | 536 | November 2001 |
Kevin P. Knudson | Homology of linear groups | 3 7643 6415 7 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 573 | November 2001 |
A. N. Kolmogorov and A. P. Yushkevich (eds.) | Mathematics of the nineteenth century 1: mathematical logic - algebra - number theory - probability (2nd edn) |
3 7643 6442 4 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 189 | March 2002 |
Thomas Koshy | Fibonacci and Lucas numbers with applications | 0 471 39969 8 | Wiley | Nick Lord | 547 | November 2002 |
Thomas Koshy | Elementary number theory with applications | 0 12 421171 2 | Harcourt | Ian Anderson | 384 | July 2003 |
Thomas Koshy | Elementary number theory with applications | 0 12 421171 2 | Harcourt | S. C. Russen | 174 | March 2004 |
Jayne Kranat, Brian Housden, James Nicholson | Statistics GCSE for AQA | 0 19 914788 4 | OUP | H. Mason | 179 | March 2003 |
S. G. Krantz | Handbook of complex variables | 0 8176 4011 8 | Birkhäuser | Nick Lord | 180 | March 2001 |
Steven G. Krantz | Handbook of typography for the mathematical sciences | 1 58488 1 49 6 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | Steve Abbott | 541 | November 2002 |
Steven G. Krantz (ed.) | Dictionary of algebra, arithmetic and trigonometry | 1 58488 052 X | CRC Press | Steve Abbott | 367 | July 2003 |
Steven G. Krantz | Mathematical apocrypha | 0 883 85539 9 | CUP | Bruce N. Roth | 337 | July 2004 |
Manfred Kreber and Michael Kohlhase (eds.) | Symbolic computation and automated reasoning: CALCULEMUS-2000 Symposium | 1 56881 145 4 | A. K. Peters | S. C. Coutinho | 412 | July 2003 |
D. Kreimer | Knots and Feynman diagrams | 0521 58761 1 | CUP | S. Majid | 381 | July 2002 |
Michal Krizek, Florian Luca, Lawrence Somer | 17 lectures in Fermat numbers: from number theory to geometry | 0 387 95332 9 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 383 | July 2003 |
Harold W. Kuhn and Sylvia Nasar (eds.) | The essential John Nash | 0 691 09527 2 | Princeton University Press | Gerry Leversha | 370 | July 2003 |
Harold W. Kuhn | Lectures on the theory of games | 0 691 02772 2 | Princeton University Press | Hugh Williams | 380 | July 2004 |
Jack B. Kuipers | Quaternions and rotation sequences | 0 691 10298 8 | Princeton University Press | Michael Fox | 173 | March 2006 |
Hans Kurzweil and Bernd Stellmacher | The theory of finite groups. An introduction | 0 347 40510 0 | Springer | Robert T. Curtis | 346 | July 2005 |
Harry G. Kwatny and Gilmer L. Blankenship | Nonlinear control and analytical mechanics: a computational approach | 0 8176 4147 5 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 574 | November 2001 |
Yue Kuen Kwok | Applied complex variables for scientists and engineers | 0 521 00462 4 | CUP | Nick Lord | 393 | July 2004 |
T. Y. Lam | A first course in noncommutative rings | 0 387 95325 6 | Springer-Verlag | Brian Denton | 177 | March 2002 |
Robert Lambourne and Michael Tinker | Basic mathematics for the physical sciences | 0 471 85207 4 | Wiley | Peter MacGregor | 154 | March 2001 |
Rubin H. Landau | A First Course in Scientific Computing | 0 691 12183 4 | Princeton University Press | Peter Shiu | 380 | July 2007 |
Rubin H. Landau | A first course in scientific computing: Symbolic, graphic and numeric modeling | 0 69112183 4 | Princeton University Press | Ken Zetie | 564 | November 2006 |
Serge Lang | Collected papers,Volume 1 | 0 387 98802 5 | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 190 | March 2001 |
Serge Lang | Collected papers,Volume 2 | 0 387 98803 3 | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 190 | March 2001 |
Serge Lang | Serge Lang Collected Papers - Volumes III | 0 387 98800 9 | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 189 | March 2002 |
Serge Lang | Serge Lang Collected Papers - Volumes IV | 0 387 98804 1 | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 189 | March 2002 |
Serge Lang | Serge Lang Collected Papers - Volumes V | 0 387 95030 3 | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 189 | March 2002 |
Serge Lang | A short calculus | 0 387 95327 2 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 555 | November 2002 |
Serge Lang | Algebra | 0 387 95385 X | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 390 | July 2003 |
S. Larsson and V. Thomée | Partial differential equations with numerical methods | 3 540 01772 0 | Springer-Verlag | Nick Lord | 182 | March 2005 |
Reinhard Laubenbacher and David Pengelly | Mathematical expeditions: chronicles by the explorers | 0 387 98433 X | Springer Verlag | Steve Abbott | 166 | March 2002 |
Steffen L. Lauritzen | Thiele: pioneer in statistics | 0 19 850972 3 | OUP | D. V. Lindley | 382 | July 2004 |
Terry Lawson | Topology: A geometric approach | 0 19 851597 9 | OUP | Mark Thornber | 603 | November 2004 |
Marilyn Leask, Lyn Dawes and David Litchfield (eds) | Keybites for teachers: an interactive course in ICT | 1 901995 11 9 5 | Summerfield Publishing | Richard Bridges | 340 | July 2001 |
John M. Lee | Introduction to topological manifolds | 0 387 95026 5 | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 183 | March 2001 |
Tan Lei (ed.) | The Mandelbrot set, theme and variations | 0 521 77476 4 | CUP | Michael R. Mudge | 185 | March 2002 |
Franz Lemmermeyer | Reciprocity laws: from Euler to Eisenstein | 3 540 66957 4 | Springer-Verlag | P. Shiu | 171 | March 2001 |
Silvio Levy (ed.) | The eightfold way: the beauty of Klein's quartic curve | 0 521 00419 5 | CUP | Nick Lord | 556 | November 2002 |
Jonathan Lewin | An interactive introduction to mathematical analysis | 0 521 81589 4 | Cambridge University Press | S. C. Russen | 568 | November 2005 |
David Nelson | Dictionary of statistics | 0 140 51496 1 | Penguin | Nick Lord | 569 | November 2005 |
Martin Liebeck | A concise introduction to pure mathematics (2nd edn) | 1 58488 547 5 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | Michael Ward | 189 | March 2007 |
Martin Liebeck | A concise introduction to pure mathematics | 1 58488 193 3 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | Bud Winteridge | 385 | July 2003 |
Robert A. Liebler | Basic matrix algebra with algorithms and applications | 1 58488 333 2 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | P. Shiu | 356 | July 2004 |
Elon Lages Lima | Fundamental groups and covering spaces | 1 56881 131 4 | A. K. Peters | Philip Maynard | 359 | July 2004 |
Richard Lissaman and Elizabeth West | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: Numerical Methods | 0 340 81461 6 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
J. S. Lomont and John Brillhart | Elliptic polynomials | 1 584 88210 7 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | Steve Abbott | 572 | November 2001 |
L. Lovácz, J. Pelikán and K. Vesztergombi | Discrete mathematics, elementary and beyond | 0 387 95595 2 | Springer | Gerry Leversha | 378 | July 2004 |
Yi Ma, Stefano Soatto, Jana Ko¹ecká and S. Shankar Sastry | An invitation to 3-D vision. From images to geometric models | 0 387 00893 4 | Springer Verlag | Piotr Zarzycki | 343 | July 2005 |
Liping Ma | Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics | 0 8058 2909 1 | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | Doug French | 339 | July 2001 |
Saunders Mac Lane | Saunders Mac Lane: a mathematical autobiography | 1 56881 150 1 | A. K. Peters | Gerry Leversha | 571 | November 2007 |
Basil Mahon | The man who changed everything: the life of James Clerk Maxwell | 0 470 86088 X | Wiley | D. Stander | 130 | March 2005 |
Noel Malcolm and Jacqueline Stedall | John Pell (1611-1685) and his correspondence with Sir Charles Cavendish | 0 19 856484 8 | Oxford University Press | I. Grattan-Guinness | 544 | November 2006 |
Benoit B. Mandelbrot | Fractals and chaos. The Mandelbrot set and beyond | 0 387 20158 0 | Springer-Verlag | René L. Schilling | 168 | March 2005 |
Yu I. Manin, Alexei A. Panchishkin | Introduction to modern number theory: Fundamental problems ideas and theories | 3 540 20364 8 | Springer | Philip Maynard | 550 | November 2006 |
Geoff Mannall and Michael Kenwood | Heinemann Modular Mathematics : Pure Mathematics 1 | 0 435 51088 6 | Heinemann | Rachel Bugg | 151 | March 2001 |
Geoff Mannall and Michael Kenwood | Heinemann mod maths for Edexcel AS and A-level, pure maths 4, 5 & 6 | Heinemann | Howard Groves | 359 | July 2003 | |
Fiona Mapp | Letts GCSE success visual revision guide - Mathematics higher | 1 85805 988 7 | Letts | David Whetton | 381 | July 2002 |
Fiona Mapp | Letts GCSE success visual revision guide - Mathematics intermediate | 1 84085 595 9 | Letts | David Whetton | 381 | July 2002 |
Fiona Mapp | Key Stage 3 Success Mathematics Levels 4 - 7 | 1 84085 604 1 | Letts | David Morley | 532 | November 2002 |
David Marker | Model theory: an introduction | 0 387 98760 6 | Springer | Gerry Leversha | 604 | November 2004 |
Duncan Marsh | Applied geometry for computer graphics and CAD (2nd edn.) | 1 85233 801 6 | Springer Verlag | Piotr Zarzycki | 183 | March 2007 |
George E. Martin | Counting: the art of enumerative combinatorics | 0 387 95225 X | Springer-Verlag | S. C. Russen | 184 | March 2004 |
J. Martinet | Perfect lattices in Euclidean spaces | 3 540 44236 7 | Springer | Nick Lord | 357 | July 2004 |
Alberto A. Martinez | Negative math | 0 691 12309 8 | Princeton University Press | Nick Lord | 190 | March 2007 |
V. P. Maslov and G. A. Omel'yanov | Geometric asymptotics for nonlinear PDE I | 0 8218 2109 1 | AMS | Steve Abbott | 574 | November 2002 |
John Mason and Rosamund Sutherland | Key aspects of teaching algebra in schools | 1 85838 507 5 | QCA | Doug French | 604 | November 2003 |
John Mason and Sue Johnston-Wilder (eds.) | Fundamental constructs in mathematics education | 0 415 32698 2 | Routledge Falmer | J. Golding | 123 | March 2005 |
The Mathematical Association | A level mathematics posters | The Mathematical Association | Sue Pope | 365 | July 2006 | |
Maths Now! Team | Maths Now! (Blue Orbit Book 2): Teacher's resource file | 0 7195 7275 4 | John Murray | Pam Denton | 155 | March 2002 |
Maths Now! Team | Maths Now! (Blue Orbit Book 3): Pupil's Book | 0 7195 7443 9 | John Murray | Pam Denton | 155 | March 2002 |
Maths Now! Team | Maths Now! (Blue Orbit Book 3): Teacher's resource file | 0 7195 7444 7 | John Murray | Pam Denton | 155 | March 2002 |
Maths Now! Team | Maths Now! (Red Orbit Book 3): Teacher's resource file | 0 7195 7442 0 | John Murray | Pam Denton | 155 | March 2002 |
Maths Now! writing group | Intermediate 1: Student's book | 0 7195 7447 1 | John Murray | Frank Davis | 178 | March 2003 |
Maths Now! writing group | Intermediate 1: Teacher's resource guides | 0 7195 7448 X | John Murray | Frank Davis | 178 | March 2003 |
Maths Now! writing group | Maths Now! GCSE Higher 1, | 0 7195 7445 5 | John Murray | Frank Davis | 178 | March 2003 |
Geoffrey Matthews | Mainly on the bright side | 0 9514961 1 5 | Jumpix books | Bill Richardson | 347 | July 2002 |
Stephen B. Maurer and Anthony Ralston | Discrete algorithmic mathematics | 1 56881 166 7 | A. K. Peters | Francisco Bellot Rosado | 180 | March 2006 |
G. Mazzola, G. Milmeister and J. Weissmann | Comprehensive mathematics for computer scientists 1: | 3 540 208356 | Springer-Verlag | S. C. Coutinho | 572 | November 2005 |
G. Mazzola, G. Milmeister and J. Weissmann | Comprehensive mathematics for computer scientists 1: Sets and numbers, Graphs and algebra, Logic and machines, Linear geometry |
3 540 208356 | Springer-Verlag | S. C. Coutinho | 176 | March 2006 |
J. Michael McCarthy | Geometric design of linkages, | 0 387 98983 8 | Springer-Verlag | Tom Roper | 545 | November 2001 |
Sandy McCrae | Introduction to statistics | | Gerry Leversha | 559 | November 2006 | |
Elaine K McEwan | The principal's guide to raising math achievement | 0 8039 6785 3 | Corwin Press | David Whetton | 362 | July 2003 |
O. Carruth McGehee | An introduction to complex analysis | 0 471 33233 X | Wiley | Nick Lord | 365 | July 2002 |
Colin McGregor, John Nimmo and Wilson Strothers | Fundamentals of university mathematics (2nd edn) | 1 898563 10 1 | Horwood Publishing | Bud Winteridge | 385 | July 2003 |
Peter McGuire and Ken Smith | Higher 11-14 mathematics: revision and practice | 0 19 914782 5 | OUP | Ed Winkworth | 147 | March 2001 |
Peter McGuire and Ken Smith (eds.) | Oxford mathematics higher GCSE for AQA | 0 19 914813 9 | OUP | Richard Bridges | 348 | July 2002 |
Peter McGuire and Ken Smith (eds.) | Oxford mathematics higher GCSE for Edexcel | 0 19 914809 0 | OUP | Richard Bridges | 348 | July 2002 |
William McLean | Strongly elliptic systems and boundary integral equations | 0 521 66375 X | CUP | Michael R. Mudge | 182 | March 2002 |
Donald A. McQuarrie | Mathematical methods for scientists and engineers | 1 891389 29 7 | Macmillan | Gerry Leversha | 128 | March 2005 |
J. G. McWhirter and I. K. Proudler (eds.) | Mathematics in signal processing V | 0 19 850734 8 | OUP | Gerry Leversha | 414 | July 2003 |
Carl D. Meyer | Matrix analysis and applied linear algebra with Solutions manual and CD-ROM | 0 89871 454 0 | SIAM | Steve Abbott | 169 | March 2001 |
John Milnor | Dynamics in one complex variable | 0 691 12488 4 | Princeton University Press | Bill Cox | 374 | July 2007 |
Vladimir V. Mitkin, Dmitri A. Romanov, Michael P. Polis | Modern advanced mathematics for engineers | 0 471 41770 X | Wiley | Ll. G. Chambers | 536 | November 2002 |
D.S. Moore, G. P. McCabe, W.M. Duckworth, S.L. Sclove | The practice of business statistics: using data for decisions | 0 7167 9773 9 | W. H. Freeman | S. C. Russen | 390 | July 2004 |
Charlene Morrow and Teri Perl (eds.) | Notable women in mathematics, a biographical dictionary | 0 313 29131 4 | Greenwood Press | B. H. Neumann | 183 | March 2003 |
Kalyan Mukherjea | Differential calculus in normed linear spaces | 81 85931 43 7 | Hindustan Book Agency | Philip Maher | 372 | July 2006 |
Nitis Mukhopadhyay | Probability and statistical inference | 0 8247 0379 0 | Marcel Dekker | Gerry Leversha | 378 | July 2002 |
David Mumford, Caroline Series, David Wright | Indra's pearls: the vision of Felix Klein | 0 521 35253 3 | CUP | Graham Hoare | 375 | July 2003 |
Robert Murphey and Panos M. Pardalos (eds) | Cooperative control and optimization | 4020 0549 0 | Kluwer | S. C. Russen | 405 | July 2004 |
J. D. Murray | Mathematical biology, Vols I & II (3rd edn) | 0 387 95223 3 | Springer | Peter Saunders | 373 | July 2006 |
Margaret A. M. Murray | Women becoming mathematicians. Creating a professional identity in post-world war II America |
0 962 13389 5 | The MIT Press | B. H. Neumann | 183 | March 2003 |
M. Ram Murty | Problems in analytic number theory | 0 387 95143 1 | Springer-Verlag | Robin Chapman | 551 | November 2002 |
Paul J. Nahin | Duelling idiots and other probability puzzlers | 0 691 00979 1 | Princeton University Press | Michael Fox | 167 | March 2002 |
Paul J. Nahin | When least is best | 0 691 07078 4 | Princeton University Press | Gerry Leversha | 140 | March 2005 |
Raghavan Narasimhan and Yves Nievergelt | Complex analysis in one variable (2nd edn) | 0 8176 4164 5 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 190 | March 2002 |
W. Narkiewicz | Elementary and analytic theory of algebraic numbers (3rd edn) | 3 540 21902 1 | Springer | John Baylis | 351 | July 2005 |
Hugh Neill and Douglas Quadling | Pure mathematics 1 & 2 | 0 521 78369 0 | CUP | David Whetton | 154 | March 2001 |
Hugh Neill and Douglas Quadling | Pure Mathematics 1 & 2 | 0 521 78369 0 | CUP | Martin Griffiths | 343 | July 2001 |
Hugh Neill and Douglas Quadling | Pure Mathematics 3 | 0 521 78370 4 | CUP | Martin Griffiths | 160 | March 2002 |
David Nelson (ed.) | Penguin dictionary of mathematics (2nd edn) | 0 14 051342 6 | Penguin | Nick Lord | 348 | July 2001 |
Arnold Neumaier | Introduction to numerical analysis, | 0 521 33610 4 | CUP | M. R. Mudge | 411 | July 2003 |
Peter M. Neumann, A. J. S. Mann, Julia C. Tompson (eds) | The collected papers of William Burnside, Volumes 1 and 2 | 0 19 850586 8 | Oxford University Press | Des MacHale | 371 | July 2007 |
Yves Nievergelt | Wavelets made easy (2nd printing) | 0 8176 4061 4 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 379 | July 2001 |
Louis Nirenberg | Topics in non-linear functional analysis | 0 8218 2819 3 | AMS/Courant | Steve Abbott | 190 | March 2002 |
Katsumi Nomizu (ed.) | Selected papers on classical analysis | 0 8218 2780 4 | AMS | Steve Abbott | 571 | November 2002 |
Richard Norris | Graded exercises in statistics for AS and A2 | 0 521 65399 1 | CUP | H. Mason | 164 | March 2002 |
Atle Næss, (James Anderson (trans)) | Galileo Galilei - When the world stood still | 3 540 21961 7 | Springer | M. L. Perkins | 367 | July 2006 |
Susan Oakes, Alan Pears and Adrian Rice | The book of presidents: 1865 - 1965 | 0 9502734 1 4 | London Mathematical Society | S. C. Russen | 570 | November 2007 |
Piergiorgio Odifreddi | The mathematical century: The 30 greatest problems of the last 100 years | 0 691 09294 X | Princeton University Press | Peter Hall | 333 | July 2005 |
Juha Oikkonen and Jokko Väänänen (eds.) | Logic colloquium '90 | 1 56881 132 2 | A. K. Peters | C. W. Kilmister | 569 | November 2002 |
Bernt Oksendal | Stochastic differential equations: An introduction with applications (6th edn) | 3 540 04758 1 | Springer-Verlag | René L. Schilling | 178 | March 2005 |
Adrian Oldknow and Ron Taylor | Teaching mathematics using information and communications technology | 0826470599 | Continuum | Gerry Leversha | 595 | November 2004 |
C. D. Olds, Anneli Lax, Giuliana P. Davidoff | The geometry of numbers | 0 883 85643 3 | MAA | Graham Hoare | 368 | July 2002 |
Jenny Olive | Maths - a student's survival guide (2nd edn) | 0 521 01707 6 | Cambridge University Press | Bill Cox | 548 | November 2005 |
Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw | To talk of many things, an autobiography | 0 7190 6987 4 | Manchester University Press | Gerry Leversha | 132 | March 2005 |
Mike Ollerton | Learning and teaching mathematics without a textbook | 1 898611 15 7 | ATM | Frank Davis | 597 | November 2003 |
Mike Ollerton (ed.) | 30 years on .... | ATM | Graham H. Storr | 598 | November 2003 | |
Mike Ollerton | Getting the buggers to add up | 0826468799 | Continuum | Mark Thornber | 126 | March 2005 |
Anthony Orton | Learning mathematics (3rd edn) | 0 8264 7114 5 | Continuum | Doug French | 546 | November 2005 |
M. Scott Osborne | Basic homological algebra | 0 387 98934 X | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 187 | March 2001 |
Gabriel A. Oyibo | Grand unified theorem: discovery of the theory of everything and the fundamental building block of quantum theory |
1 59033 835 9 | Nova Science Publishers | Gerry Leversha | 132 | March 2005 |
Abraham Pais | The genius of science: a portrait gallery of twentieth-century physicists | 0 19 850614 7 | OUP | Steve Abbott | 537 | November 2001 |
Boris P. Paneah | The oblique derivative problem - the Poincaré problem | 3 527 40113 X | Wiley VCH | Michael R. Mudge | 182 | March 2002 |
Endre Pap | Complex analysis through examples and exercises | 0 7923 57876 | Kluwer | Nick Lord | 373 | July 2001 |
D. F. Parker | Fields, flows and waves: an introduction to continuum models | 1 85233 708 7 | Springer Verlag | S. C. Russen | 570 | November 2005 |
John Parker | The Platonic solids and some others | 09535399 1 1 | Cressar Publications | Gerry Leversha | 163 | March 2005 |
John Parker | RL Moore, mathematician and teacher | 0 88385 550 X | Mathematical Association of America | Gerry Leversha | 547 | November 2006 |
Keith Parramore, Joan Stephens, Chris Compton and Geoff Rigby | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: Decision Mathematics 1 | 0 340 81401 2 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
Keith Parramore, Joan Stephens and Chris Compton | MEI Structured Mathematics 3rd edn: Decision Mathematics 2 and C | 0 340 88999 3 | Hodder Murray | Gerry Leversha | 538 | November 2006 |
Yudi Pawitan | In all likelihood: Statistical modelling and inference using likelihood | 0 19 850765 8 | OUP | Pamela Morris | 375 | July 2002 |
David Pearson and Victor Bryant | Advancing Maths for AQA: Decision Maths 1 (2nd edn.) | 0 435 51335 4 | Heinemann | Martin Griffiths | 326 | July 2005 |
F. David Peat | From certainty to uncertainty: the story of science and ideas in the twentieth century | 0 309 07641 2 | Joseph Henry | S. C. Russen | 386 | July 2004 |
H.-O. Peitgen, H. Jurgens and D. Saupe | Chaos and fractals new frontiers of science (2nd edn) | 0 387 20229 3 | Springer | Hugh Williams | 562 | November 2006 |
Jerome K. Percus | Mathematics of genome analysis | 0 521 58526 0 | CUP | Nick Lord | 191 | March 2003 |
Andrew B. C. Pereira | The antipodes map of the world . . . | 981 04 4269 6 | Stamford Press | Steve Abbott | 571 | November 2002 |
A. Peter-Koop, V. Santos-Wagner, C. Breen and A. Begg (eds.) | Collaboration in teacher education: examples from the context of mathematics education | 1 4020 1392 2 | Kluwer Academic Publishers | S. C. Russen | 547 | November 2005 |
L. A. Petrosjan and V. V. Mazalov | Game theory and applications, Vol VII | 1 59033 123 0 | Nova Science | Gerry Leversha | 414 | July 2003 |
George M. Phillips | Mathematics is not a spectator sport | 0 387 25528 1 | Springer | John Baylis | 185 | March 2007 |
George M. Phillips | Two millennia of mathematics: from Archimedes to Gauss | 0 387 95022 2 | Canadian Mathematical Society | Steve Abbott | 546 | November 2002 |
John L. Phillips | How to think about statistics (6th edn) | 0 7167 3654 3 | W. H. Freeman | D. V. Lindley | 383 | July 2001 |
Richard Phillips | Numbers: facts, figures and fiction | 095465620 2 | Badsey Publications | Jennie Golding | 139 | March 2005 |
Clifford A. Pickover | Wonders of numbers: adventures in mathematics, mind, and meaning | 0 19 513342 0 | OUP | S. C. Russen | 189 | March 2004 |
Clifford A. Pickover | The mathematics of Oz: mental gymnastics from beyond the edge | 0 521 01678 9 | CUP | Michael Ward | 400 | July 2004 |
Jean-Paul Pier (ed.) | Development of mathematics 1950-2000 | 3 7643 6280 4 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 356 | July 2001 |
Jean-Paul Pier | Mathematical analysis during the 20th century | 0 19 850394 6 | OUP | Steve Abbott | 392 | July 2003 |
Victor P. Pikulin and Stanislav Pohozaev | Equations in mathematical physics: a practical course | 3 7643 6501 3 | Birkhäuser-Verlag | Ll. G. Chambers | 355 | July 2002 |
Yehuda Pinchover and Jacob Rubenstein | An introduction to partial differential equations | 0 521 61323 X | Cambridge University Press | Derek Stander | 176 | March 2007 |
Pinnacle Education | Target! Puzzle cards. Focus on the facts | Pinnacle | Graham H. Storr | 157 | March 2002 | |
Bruno Poizat | A course in model theory: an introduction to contemporary logic | 0 387 98655 3 | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 188 | March 2001 |
Leonid Polterovich | The geometry of the group of symplectic diffeomorphisms | 3 7643 6432 7 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 191 | March 2002 |
Les Pook | Flexagons inside out | 0 521 52574 8 | Cambridge University Press | Ron Knott | 332 | July 2005 |
Ian Porteous (ed.) | Senior Challenge: Full problems and solutions 1980-2003 | 0 947 54911 0 | Mathematical Education on Merseyside | J. Golding | 187 | March 2005 |
Alfred S. Posamentier | Making geometry come alive: student activities and teacher notes | 0 7619 7599 3 | Sage Publications | Steve Abbott | 148 | March 2001 |
Alfred S. Posamentier | Making pre-algebra come alive: student activities and teacher notes | 0 7619 7595 0 | Sage Publications | Steve Abbott | 148 | March 2001 |
Helmut Pottman and Johannes Wallner | Computational line geometry | 3 540 42058 4 | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 571 | November 2002 |
V. V. Prasolov and V. M. Tikhomirov | Geometry | 0 8218 2038 9 | AMS | Steve Abbott | 563 | November 2002 |
Andrew Pressley | Elementary differential geometry | 1 85233 152 6 | Springer | Peter Giblin | 372 | July 2001 |
Emma Previato (ed.) | Advances in algebraic geometry motivated by physics | 0 8218 2810 X | AMS | Steve Abbott | 572 | November 2002 |
Chris Pritchard (ed.) | The changing shape of geometry: Celebrating a century of geometry and geometry teaching |
0 521 53162 4 | MA | Hugh Williams | 181 | March 2004 |
Charles Chapman Pugh | Real mathematical analysis | 0 387 95297 7 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 178 | March 2004 |
Gennadi Puninski | Serial rings | 0 7923 7187 9 | Kluwer | Steve Abbott | 570 | November 2002 |
QCA | Reasoning, explanation and proof in school mathematics and their place in the intended curriculum |
1 85838 510 5 | QCA | Doug French | 604 | November 2003 |
Douglas Quadling | Mechanics 1 | 0 521 78600 2 | CUP | A. Harrison | 150 | March 2001 |
Douglas Quadling | Mechanics 1 | 0 521 78600 2 | CUP | Martin Griffiths | 344 | July 2001 |
Alfio Quarteroni and Fausto Saleri | Scientific computing with MATLAB | 3 540 44363 0 | Springer | P. Shiu | 413 | July 2004 |
Larry Rabinowitz | Elementary probability with applications | 1 56881 222 1 | A. K. Peters | D. V. Lindley | 559 | November 2006 |
S. Rabinowitz & M. Bowron (eds) | Index to mathematical problems 1975-1979 | 0 9626401 2 3 | MathPro Press | Nick Lord | 383 | July 2006 |
Wil Ransome (ed.) | Puzzles from Pie | 0 906 58855 3 | The Mathematical Association | John Baylis | 572 | November 2006 |
Reddivari Sarva Jagannadha Reddy | A proof for the exact value of ![]() |
Gerry Leversha | 368 | July 2003 | ||
D. G. Rees | Essential statistics (4th edn) | 1 58488 007 4 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | D. V. Lindley | 353 | July 2002 |
Miles Reid and Balazs Szendroi | Geometry and topology | 0 521 61325 6 | Cambridge University Press | P. N. Ruane | 179 | March 2007 |
Paulo Ribenboim | My numbers, my friends. Popular lectures on number theory | 0 387 98911 0 | Springer-Verlag | P. Shiu | 540 | November 2001 |
Paulo Ribenboim | The little book of bigger primes (2nd edn) | 0 387 20169 6 | Springer | Alan Sutcliffe | 561 | November 2005 |
Joan L. Richards | Angles of reflection | 0 7167 9461 6 | W. H. Freeman | Michael Fox | 562 | November 2002 |
Bill Richardson (ed.) | Mathematical challenges IV: Problems and solutions from the years 1997 to 2000 | 0 9532786 2 X | Scottish Mathematical Council | Tony Gardiner | 357 | July 2002 |
Bill Richardson (ed.) | Student problems from the Mathematical Gazette | 0 906588 49 9 | MA | Martin Griffiths | 405 | July 2003 |
Jürgen Richter-Gebert, Ulrich H. Kortenkamp | Cinderella (Version 1.2), interactive geometry software | 3 540 14719 5 | Springer | Peter Giblin | 364 | July 2001 |
Mangatiana A. Robdera | A concise approach to mathematical analysis | 1 85233 552 1 | Springer-Verlag | P. Shiu | 368 | July 2004 |
James C. Robinson | Ordinary differential equations: an introduction | 0 521 86500 0 | Cambridge University Press | D. Stander | 334 | July 2005 |
H. E. Rose | A course in number theory | 0 19 85237 69 | Oxford University Press | Gerry Leversha | 370 | July 2006 |
Sheldon M. Ross | Topics in finite and discrete mathematics | 0 521 77571 X | CUP | Steve Abbott | 560 | November 2001 |
Wulf Rossman | Lie groups: an introduction through linear groups | 0 19 859683 9 | OUP | S. C. Russen | 177 | March 2004 |
Lucio Russo | The forgotten revolution | 3 540 20396 6 | Springer | M.L. Perkins | 559 | November 2005 |
John W. Rutter | Geometry of curves | 1 58488 166 6 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | P. N. Ruane | 367 | July 2001 |
Lennart Råde and Bertil Westergren | Mathematics handbook for science and engineering (5th edn) | 3 540 21141 1 | Springer | Peter MacGregor | 550 | November 2005 |
Karl Sabbagh | Dr Riemann's zeros: The search for the $1 million solution to the greatest problem in mathematics |
1 84354 100 9 | Atlantic | Gerry Leversha | 173 | March 2004 |
A. K. Md. E. Saleh (ed.) | Data analysis from statistical foundations | 1 56072 968 6 | Nova Science | D. V. Lindley | 376 | July 2002 |
Bernando R. Santos | Challenging brainteasers | 0 8069 2877 8 | Stirling Publishing Co | Bruce N. Roth | 360 | July 2002 |
G. Sapiro | Geometric partial differential equations and image analysis | 0 521 79075 1 | CUP | Tony Crilly | 410 | July 2003 |
Ken-iti Sato | Levy processes and infinitely divisible distributions | 0 521 55302 4 | CUP | David Applebaum | 568 | November 2001 |
Karen Saxe | Beginning functional analysis | 0 387 95224 1 | Springer | James Gazet | 158 | March 2005 |
Karen Saxe | Beginning functional analysis | 0 387 95224 1 | Springer | James Gazet | 573 | November 2007 |
Michelle Schatzman | Numerical analysis: a mathematical introduction | 0 19 850852 2 | OUP | S. C. Russen | 406 | July 2004 |
Joel L. Schiff | The Laplace transform: theory and applications | 0 387 98698 7 | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 178 | March 2001 |
Erhard Scholz (ed) | Hermann Weyl's Raum - Zeit - Materie and a general introduction to his scientific work |
3 7643 6476 9 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 572 | November 2001 |
Laurent Schwartz | A mathematician grappling with his century | 3 7643 6052 6 | Birkhäuser | Nick Lord | 365 | July 2003 |
B. Schweizer, et al (eds) | Karl Menger Selecta Mathematica Volume 1 | 3 211 83734 5 | Springer-Verlag | S. C. Russen | 347 | July 2004 |
B. Schweizer, et al (eds) | Karl Menger Selecta Mathematica Volume 2 | 3 211 83834 1 | Springer-Verlag | S. C. Russen | 347 | July 2004 |
Scottish Mathematical Council | Primary mathematical challenges | 0 9532786 3 8 | Scottish Mathematical Council | R. E. McCrossan | 406 | July 2003 |
Shayle L. Searle and Lois Schertz Willett | Matrix algebra for applied economics | 0 471 32207 5 | Wiley | Paul Hudson | 602 | November 2003 |
Charles Seife | Zero: the biography of a dangerous idea | 0 285 63 586 7 | Souvenir Press | Gerry Leversha | 349 | July 2001 |
Igor R. Shafarevich | Discourses on algebra | 3 540 42253 6 | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 176 | March 2004 |
L. F. Shampine, I. Gladwell and S. Thompson | Solving ODEs with MATLAB | 0 521 53094 6 | Cambridge University Press | Christian C. Beardah | 341 | July 2005 |
R. Y. Sharp | Steps in commutative algebra (2nd edn) | 0 521 64623 5 | CUP | John Baylis | 175 | March 2002 |
D. R. Shier and K. T. Wallenius | Applied mathematical modelling: a multidisciplinary approach | 1 58488 048 1 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | Bill Cox | 565 | November 2001 |
Theodore Shifrin and Malcolm R. Adams | Linear algebra: a geometric approach | 0 7167 4337 X | W. H. Freeman | S. C. Russen | 355 | July 2004 |
Mark Shiner | The applicability of mathematics as a philosophical problem | 0 674 00970 3 | Harvard | Graham Hoare | 401 | July 2004 |
Shailesh Shirali | A primer on number sequences | 81 7371 369 3 | University Press (India) Ltd | Bud Winteridge | 382 | July 2003 |
Shailesh Shirali | First steps in number theory: A primer on divisibility | 81 7371 368 5 | University Press (India) Ltd | Bud Winteridge | 382 | July 2003 |
J. R. Shoenfield | Mathematical logic | 1 56881 135 7 | A. K. Peters | C. W. Kilmister | 407 | July 2003 |
T. H. Sidebotham | The A to Z of mathematics: a basic guide | 0 471 15045 2 | Wiley | Nick Lord | 343 | July 2004 |
Wilfried Sieg, Richard Somer & Carolyn Talcott (eds.) | Reflections on the foundations of mathematics | 1 56881 170 5 | A. K. Peters | C. W. Kilmister | 407 | July 2003 |
Reinhard Siegmund- Schultze | Rockefeller and the internationalisation of mathematics between the two world wars | 3 7643 6468 8 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 571 | November 2001 |
Krzysztof A. Sikorski | Optimal solutions of nonlinear equations | 0 19 510690 3 | OUP | Steve Abbott | 190 | March 2002 |
John R. Silvester | Geometry ancient and modern | 0 19 850825 5 | OUP | P. N. Ruane | 363 | July 2002 |
Randi L. Sims | Bivariate data analysis: a practical guide | 1 56072 751 9 | Nova Science | Steve Abbott | 184 | March 2001 |
Stephanie Frank Singer | Symmetry in mechanics: a gentle, modern introduction | 0 8176 4145 9 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 571 | November 2001 |
Kuldeep Singh | Engineering mathematics through applications | 0333922247 | Palgrave Macrnillan | W. Cox | 378 | July 2006 |
Simon Singh | The code book: the secret history of codes and codebreaking | 1 85702 8899 | Fourth Estate | Michael Ward | 351 | July 2001 |
Steven Skiena | Calculated bets: Computers, gambling, and mathematical modeling to win | 0 521 00962 6 | CUP | Michael Ward | 565 | November 2002 |
SMP | SMP Interact Book 1 | 0 521 77795 X | CUP | Peter Secker | 145 | March 2001 |
SMP | SMP Interact: Teacher's Guide to Book 1 | 0 521 77794 1 | CUP | Peter Secker | 145 | March 2001 |
SMP | SMP Interact Book N | 0 521 77792 5 | CUP | Frank Davis | 146 | March 2001 |
SMP | SMP Interact: Teacher's Guide to Book N | 0 521 77791 7 | CUP | Frank Davis | 146 | March 2001 |
School Maths Project | H1 Part A Pathfinder Edition | 0 521 01259 7 | CUP | David Whetton | 156 | March 2002 |
School Maths Project | Practice for Book H1 Part A | 0 521 01267 8 | CUP | David Whetton | 156 | March 2002 |
School Maths Project | Mechanics 1 (motion and force) | 0 521 78800 5 | CUP | David Whetton | 163 | March 2002 |
School Maths Project | Teacher's guide to Book H1 Part A | 0 521 01263 5 | CUP | David Whetton | 156 | March 2002 |
SMP | SMP Interact for GCSE mathematics Foundation | 0 521 89030 6 | CUP | Graham H. Storr | 597 | November 2004 |
SMP | SMP Interact for GCSE mathematics Intermediate | 0 521 89026 8 | CUP | Graham H. Storr | 597 | November 2004 |
SMP | SMP Interact for GCSE mathematics Higher | 0 521 89022 5 | CUP | Graham H. Storr | 597 | November 2004 |
SMP | SMP Interact for GCSE mathematics: Teacher's guide for Foundation | 0 521 89031 4 | CUP | Graham H. Storr | 598 | November 2004 |
SMP | SMP Interact for GCSE mathematics: Teacher's guide for Intermediate | 0 521 89027 6 | CUP | Graham H. Storr | 598 | November 2004 |
SMP | SMP Interact for GCSE mathematics - Practice for Intermediate | 0 521 89028 4 | CUP | Graham H. Storr | 598 | November 2004 |
SMP | SMP Interact for GCSE mathematics: Teacher's guide for Higher | 0 521 89023 3 | CUP | Graham H. Storr | 598 | November 2004 |
SMP | SMP AS/A2 mathematics - Core 1 for AQA | 0 521 60525 3 | CUP | Gerry Leversha | 129 | March 2005 |
SMP | SMP AS/A2 mathematics - Core 1 for EdExcel | 0 521 60533 4 | CUP | Gerry Leversha | 129 | March 2005 |
SMP | SMP AS/A2 mathematics - Core 2 for AQA | 0 521 60565 1 | CUP | Gerry Leversha | 129 | March 2005 |
SMP | SMP AS/A2 mathematics - Core 2 for EdExcel | 0 521 60534 2 | CUP | Gerry Leversha | 129 | March 2005 |
Raymond Smullyan | To mock a mockingbird | 0 19 280142 2 | Oxford University Press | Gerry Leversha | 380 | July 2006 |
R. C. Solomon and the Maths Now! writing group | Maths Now! GCSE Higher 2, Student's book | 0 7195 7449 8 | John Murray | Frank Davis | 178 | March 2003 |
Alwyn Spencer | Mathematical puzzles | ATM | Frank Davis | 158 | March 2002 | |
P. Sprent and N. C. Smeeton | Applied nonparametric statistical methods (3rd edn) | 1 58488 145 3 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | D. V. Lindley | 187 | March 2002 |
John Stachel | Einstein from B to Z | 0 8176 4143 2 | Birkhäuser | Bruce N. Roth | 171 | March 2004 |
Jacqueline Stedall | A discourse concerning algebra: English algebra to 1685 | 0 19 852495 | OUP | Gerry Leversha | 340 | July 2004 |
Jacqueline Stedall | The greate invention of algebra: Thomas Harriot's Treatise on Equations | 0 19 852602 | OUP | Gerry Leversha | 348 | July 2004 |
Jacqueline Stedall (ed.) | The arithmetic of infinitesimals. John Wallis 1656 | 0 387 20709 0 | Springer-Verlag | I. Grattan-Guinness | 339 | July 2005 |
Gheorghe Stefãnescu | Network algebra | 1 85233 195 X | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 188 | March 2001 |
Elias M. Stein and Rami Shakarchi | Complex analysis | 0 691 11385 8 | Princeton University Press | P. Shiu | 369 | July 2004 |
Elias M. Stein and Rami Shakarchi | Real analysis. Measure theory, integration and Hilbert spaces | 0 691 11386 6 | Princeton University Press | René L. Schilling | 172 | March 2007 |
K. Stephenson | Introduction to circle packing: the theory of discrete analytic functions | 0 521 82356 0 | Cambridge University Press | Nick Lord | 554 | November 2006 |
Ian Stewart, Arthur C. Clarke, Benoit Mandelbrot, et al | The colours of infinity | 1 904555 05 5 | Clear Books | Gerry Leversha | 170 | March 2005 |
Ian Stewart | Math hysteria: Fun and games with mathematics | 0 19 861336 9 | Oxford University Press | Michael Ward | 188 | March 2005 |
John Stillwell | Elements of number theory | 0 38795587 9 | Springer | John Baylis | 350 | July 2004 |
John Stillwell | The four pillars of geometry | 0 387 25530 3 | Springer Verlag | Mark Hunacek | 375 | July 2007 |
Douglas R. Stinson | Cryptography: Theory and practice (3rd edn) | 1 58488 508 4 | Chapman and Hall / CRC | Peter Shiu | 189 | March 2007 |
J. Stoer and R. Bulirsch | Introduction to numerical analysis (3rd edn) | 0 387 95452 X | Springer-Verlag | Gerry Leversha | 406 | July 2004 |
Mary Stopes-Roe | Mathematics with love | 1 4039 4498 9 | Macmillan | Graham Hoare | 543 | November 2006 |
Charlie Stripp and Steve Drape (eds.) | Problem pages | 0 906588 45 6 | MA | Bruce N. Roth | 360 | July 2002 |
R. J. Stroeker and J. F. Kaashoek | Discovering mathematics with Maple | 3 7643 6091 7 | Birkhäuser | Michael Fox | 553 | November 2001 |
Steven Strogatz | Synch: the emerging science of spontaneous order | 0 141 00763 X | Penguin | Nick Lord | 171 | March 2005 |
Arild Stubhaug | Niels Henrik Abel and his times: called too soon by flames afar | 3 540 66834 9 | Springer | Chris Pritchard | 355 | July 2001 |
E. R. Suryanarayan | A first course in real analysis | 81 7371 430 4 | Universities Press | J. Golding | 158 | March 2005 |
Rosamund Sutherland | A comparative study of algebra curricula | 1 85838 508 3 | QCA | Doug French | 604 | November 2003 |
Symplekta | An introduction to groups; Understanding groups | EBS Trust | Gerry Leversha | 388 | July 2003 | |
George G. Szpiro | Kepler's conjecture | 0 471 08601 0 | Wiley | Gerry Leversha | 599 | November 2004 |
James J. Tattersall | Elementary number theory in nine chapters (2nd edn.) | 0 521 61524 0 | Cambridge University Press | John Baylis | 169 | March 2007 |
Patrice Tauvel and Robert W. T. Yu | Lie algebras and algebraic groups | 3 540 24170 1 | Springer | Mark Hunacek | 552 | November 2006 |
J. C. Taylor (ed.) | Topics in probability and Lie groups: boundary theory | 0 8218 0275 5 | AMS | Steve Abbott | 574 | November 2002 |
Gérald Tenebaum and Michel Mendès France | The prime numbers and their distribution | 0 8218 1647 0 | AMS | Steve Abbott | 358 | July 2001 |
Christof Teuscher (ed.) | Alan Turing: life and legacy of a great thinker | 3 540 200207 | Springer-Verlag | S. C. Coutinho | 554 | November 2005 |
J. M. T. Thompson and H. B. Stewart | Nonlinear dynamics and chaos (2nd edn) | 0 471 87684 4 | Wiley | S. C. Russen | 188 | March 2004 |
Michael Tinker and Robert Lambourne | Further mathematics for the physical sciences | 0 471 86723 3 | Wiley | Peter MacGregor | 155 | March 2001 |
Hans Triebel | The structure of functions | 3 7643 6546 3 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 570 | November 2002 |
TRS Publishing | MathsDisc CD | TRS Publishing | Jennie Golding | 533 | November 2001 | |
C. Truesdell and K. R. Rajagopal | An introduction to the mechanics of fluids | 0 8176 4014 2 | Birkhäuser | Michael R. Mudge | 564 | November 2001 |
Vladimir Turaev | Introduction to combinatorical torsions | 3 7643 6403 3 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 191 | March 2002 |
W. T. Tutte | Graph theory | 0 521 79489 7 | CUP | Steve Abbott | 559 | November 2001 |
Ian Tweddle | Simson on porisms | 1 85233 306 5 | Springer-Verlag | Graham Hoare | 166 | March 2001 |
Ian Tweddle | James Stirling's Methodus Differentialis: An annotated translation of Stirling's text | 1 85233 723 0 | Springer | I. Grattan-Guinness | 142 | March 2005 |
Tom Tymoczko and Jim Henle | Sweet reason: a field guide to modern logic | 0 387 98930 7 | Springer | Steve Abbott | 360 | July 2001 |
Bruce van Brunt | The calculus of variations | 0 387 40247 0 | Springer | Nick Lord | 566 | November 2005 |
Janice Van Cleave | Play and find out about math | 0 471 12938 0 | Wiley | Jacqueline Robertson | 144 | March 2001 |
Dirk van Dalen | Logic and structure | 3 540 20879 8 | Springer-Verlag | C. W. Kilmister | 344 | July 2005 |
Arno van den Essen | Polynomial automorphisms and the Jacobian conjecture | 3 7643 6350 9 | Birkhäuser | Steve Abbott | 572 | November 2001 |
Jan van Eijck, Vincent van Oostrom & Albert Visser (eds.) | Logic colloquium '99 | 1568812035 | C. W. Kilmister | 333 | July 2005 | |
J. H. van Lint and R. M. Wilson | A course in combinatorics (2nd edn) | 0 521 00601 5 | CUP | Robert Curtis | 399 | July 2003 |
Henk C. A. van Tilborg | Fundamentals of cryptology: a professional reference and interative tutorial | 0 7923 8675 2 | Kluwer | Steve Abbott | 562 | November 2001 |
Paul Vanderlind, Richard Guy, Loren Larson | The inquisitive problem solver | 0 88385 806 1 | MAA | John Baylis | 398 | July 2004 |
Various | Memoirs of the AMS | ISSN 0065 9266 | AMS | Steve Abbott | 572 | November 2002 |
L. R.Vermani | An elementary approach to homological algebra | 1 58488 400 2 | Chapman & Hall/CRC | Nick Lord | 358 | July 2004 |
Elart von Collani and Klaus Dräger | Binomial distribution handbook for scientists and engineers | 0 8176 4129 7 | Birkhäuser | Ludmila I. Kuncheva | 354 | July 2002 |
Anders Vretblad | Fourier analysis and its applications | 0 387 00836 5 | Springer | Graham Brindley | 573 | November 2005 |
Anders Vretblad | Fourier analysis and its applications | 0 387 00836 5 | Springer | Graham Brindley | 183 | March 2006 |
W. D. Wallis | A beginner's guide to graph theory | 0 8176 4176 9 | Birkhäuser | Victor Bryant | 374 | July 2001 |
Mary Walmsley, Mike Price and Michael Dampier | Mathematical textbooks from six centuries: an introduction to the library of the Mathematical Association |
0 906 588 537 | The Mathematical Association | Gerry Leversha | 172 | March 2006 |
Hans Walser | Symmetry | 0 88385 532 1 | MAA | Bud Winteridge | 386 | July 2003 |
Hans Walser | The golden section | 0 88385 534 8 | MAA | Bud Winteridge | 386 | July 2003 |
Leonard M. Wapner | The Pea & the Sun - A mathematical paradox | 1 56881 213 2 | A. K. Peters | Anthony C. Robin | 574 | November 2006 |
Sue Waring | Can you prove it? | 0 906588 44 8 | MA | Martin Griffiths | 358 | July 2002 |
John J. Watkins | Across the board - The mathematics of chessboard problems | 0 691 11503 6 | Princeton University Press | Mark Harvey | 190 | March 2005 |
F. R. Watson | Elementary mathematics from an advanced perspective | 0 947747 26 5 | KMEP | Geoff Tennant | 569 | November 2007 |
Eric W. Weisstein | CRC Concise encyclopedia of mathematics (2nd edn) | 1 58488 347 2 | Chapman and Hall | Gerry Leversha | 380 | July 2003 |
David Wells | Prime numbers, the most mysterious figures in math | 0 471 46234 9 | Wiley | John Baylis | 572 | November 2007 |
Roger Wheeler | Continued fractions, a popular survey | Gerry Leversha | 387 | July 2003 | ||
Herbert S. Wilf | Algorithms and complexity (2nd edn) | 1 56881 178 0 | A. K. Peters | Ian Anderson | 378 | July 2004 |
Roger Williamson, Gill Buqué, Jim Miller and Chris Worth | Advancing Maths for AQA - Statistics 1 | 0 435 51312 5 | Heinemann | David Crawford | 346 | July 2001 |
R. Williamson, S. Boardman, T. Graham and K. Parramore (eds.) | Advancing Maths for AQA:Statistics 3 & 6 | 0 435 51314 1 | Heinemann | David Crawford | 351 | July 2002 |
Roger Williamson and Gill Buqué | Advancing maths for AQA statistics 4 | 0 435 51315 X | Heinemann | Richard Bridges | 180 | March 2003 |
Roger Williamson and Gill Buqué | Advancing Maths for AQA: Statistics for AS Level 2 & 3 (2nd edn) | 0 435 51340 4 | Heinemann | Martin Griffiths | 326 | July 2005 |
Roger Williamson, Gill Buqué, Jim Miller and Chris Worth | Advancing maths for AQA: Statistics 1 | 0 435 51338 9 | Heinemann | Martin Griffiths | 170 | March 2006 |
Robert A. Wilson | Graphs, colourings and the four colour theorem | 0 19 851062 4 | OUP | Gerry Leversha | 187 | March 2003 |
Robin J. Wilson | Stamping through mathematics | 0 387 98949 8 | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 549 | November 2002 |
Robin Wilson | Four colours suffice | 0 713 99670 6 | Allen Lane | Gerry Leversha | 185 | March 2004 |
Arthur T. Winfree | The geometry of biological time (2nd edn) | 0 387 98992 7 | Springer | Peter T. Saunders | 566 | November 2002 |
Peter Winkler | Mathematical puzzles: a connoisseur's collection | 1 56881 201 9 | A. K. Peters | John Baylis | 186 | March 2006 |
N. M. J. Woodhouse | Special relativity | 1 85233 426 6 | Springer | Will Donovan | 395 | July 2004 |
S Xambó Descamps and S Zarzuela | Video and multimedia at 3ecm, | 3 540 92644 5 | Springer-Verlag | Steve Abbott | 162 | March 2001 |
Lo Yang and S.-T. Yau (eds.) | First International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians: Proceedings of ICCM98 | 0 8218 2652 2 | AMS | Steve Abbott | 573 | November 2002 |
G. A. Young & R. L. Smith | Essentials of statistical inference | 100 521 83971 8 | Cambridge University Press | D. V. Lindley | 561 | November 2006 |
Xiao-Qiang Zhao | Dynamical systems in population biology | 0 387 00308 8 | Springer-Verlag | Tony Crilly | 173 | March 2005 |